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Google, "Topics" to replace third-party cookies. Abandon FLoC-Impress Watch

Google has announced that it will stop developing FLoC (Federated Learning of Cohorts), which has been developed as a technology to replace third-party cookies, and has proposed a new technology called "Topics." Start within 2022.

Topics is part of the "Privacy Sandbox," which examines mechanisms that work for advertisers and publishers while maintaining user privacy. Efforts.

In Topics, items (topics) of high interest for the week, such as "Fitness" and "Travel/Transport", are determined based on the browsing history of the browser. Topics are kept for 3 weeks, and old topics are deleted.

Topic selection is done entirely on the device without communication with an external server. When you visit the site, Topics selects only three topics from the past three weeks to offer to the site and its advertising partners. The Chrome browser will support the display of topics and implement user controls, such as removing the ones you don't like or disabling the feature entirely.

Google replaces third-party cookies

Topics exclude sensitive categories such as gender and race.

Topics as a feature runs in your browser, giving you a more transparent way to see and control how your data is shared compared to third-party cookies and other tracking methods. It is possible.

In addition, by providing websites with topics that users are interested in, operators can continue to deliver appropriate advertisements without using covert tracking technologies such as fingerprinting. and

Introducing Topics. | Privacy Sandbox

Google plans to end support for third-party cookies in Chrome in the second half of 2023. Since third-party cookies can track browser browsing across multiple sites, they have been used for efficient display of advertisements. We have been considering the abolition of party cookies and alternative technologies.

For the purpose of displaying highly relevant advertisements, which is the main purpose of third-party cookies, we have been considering FLoC (a cohort generated by collaborative machine learning), but have abandoned its introduction. We decided to promote Topics as a technology to replace FLoC.