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  • BL has experienced 30 years of what housewives call "Giffin"-the charm of comics, animations, movies, live-action TV series | my navigation news, my navigation news, my navigator.

BL has experienced 30 years of what housewives call "Giffin"-the charm of comics, animations, movies, live-action TV series | my navigation news, my navigation news, my navigator.

"Given" (C) Kinzunats New Library / Given production Committee click on the picture details

Giffin is based on Kizunatsuki teacher's cartoons adapted from animation, movies, live-action TV series and other media content. Centering on the Beginning of Summer, a male high school student, it can be said that it is a work of BL, a youth music depicting the love and growth of band members.

People who come for the first time may not know where to start because they have all kinds of things such as comics and animations. Of course, it is orthodox to read carefully from the original comics, but watching movies from TV dramas and animations is also a very popular mode. If you are a fan of live BL, it is possible to go with a TV show all of a sudden. Although very esoteric, but the door is very wide, do we have to step into such a Giffin world?

The "hope" ahead of pain and sadness

Giffin's charm is that this work is BL, which can't be said. Having said that, when I first watched the animation, I almost forgot about it. Because there, in the face of music, the boys' energy and heat, the desire and frustration for talent, the growth of the band, and so on, there are several elements intersected, depicted very deeply.

The story is about the Beginning of Summer, a high school student with excellent guitar skills, who met Sato Longdong of the same grade holding a broken guitar and began to take action. The Beginning of Summer, who begged him to teach guitar in the middle of winter, would introduce him to his band members. The drum Akihiko, the bass spring tree, and the older they also gradually get along with the cold winter. I can pull the strings by myself, and I will remember the code learned from the Beginning of Summer one by one. The growth in the middle of winter shook the Beginning of Summer, whose enthusiasm at the beginning of the guitar was about to be forgotten.

As well as the cold winter songs I listened to for the first time, the sincere gesture to the music, and the revealed past. All this makes my heart uncontrollable and confused by the loud noise. The Beginning of Summer will realize that this kind of mood is in love.

The Beginning of Summer, the protagonist on the mountain, is a male high school student who has many friends and is very popular among girls. Junior high school students began to play the guitar, made progress before making the desired sound, but lived every day when they didn't feel enthusiastic at that time.

Sato, who is in the same grade as the Beginning of Summer in the same high school, is a boy with an elusive atmosphere. Have a heavy past and take this as an opportunity to make up your mind to music. Is the master of natural song.

The band's drummer, Akihiko Takuhiko, is a college student. Very popular among women, very popular with men, in short, a handsome character. Yuyue, a talented violinist, and I have dated in the past, and now it is also the relationship of Wakai Ali. Beth's Zhongshan Chunshu is a graduate student. It is the oldest, well-taken care, stable and good character of the band. I've been thinking about Akihiko all the time.

In the middle of winter and Akihiko have unforgettable memories, arduous events, irreparable wounds left in their hearts, and profoundly shaped objects. The anecdotes of childhood sweetheart and former lover Yuji in the cold winter are painful. From an early age, two people seem to complement each other's missing parts, and unwittingly attract each other. This relationship, because of the cruel ending, has now cast a great shadow on the heart of the cold winter.

In addition, the relationship with Yuyue, a talented violinist who is a great presence for Akihiko, will also show the darkness in Akihiko's heart. The performance of the people encountered, efforts can not surpass the "talent" of this wall. A feeling close to love and hate for its existence is like a labyrinth of pain and no exit.

Giffin, complex and unnamed emotions and pain, incurable wounds, and all the unforgettable past are mercilessly depicted in the hearts of the characters, illuminating their future to overcome it. After the heartbreaking pain and sadness, let me see the hope of crying. Therefore, it may be attracted by such a key text.

The attraction of each content

The reason for Giffin's favorite content by many fans is that you can experience their own charm by expanding the performance from the original cartoons to the images.

The original cartoon is the origin of Giffin. Through the combination of the characters depicted in the exquisite strokes of teacher kizunatsuki and the mood expression of literature, we can experience the unique sense of elevation and tension.

Every time I read it, I can immerse myself in the world outlook. It is a heavy and readable work. Because it is also in the serial, if you want to know the latest story of Giffin, it is recommended to pursue the original cartoon.

Read "Given"

BL歴30年の主婦が語る『ギヴン』– コミック・アニメ・映画・実写ドラマの魅力 | マイナビニュース マイナビニュース マイナビ

According to the impression of the original, the character begins to move, sing and play, and the moving words are animation. The funny side of the character is also very interesting, and the story is carried out with a good rhythm in the animated style. However, in the most important scene of the story, the feeling of the air has changed greatly in the most important scene of the story, such as the meeting of the Beginning of Summer and the middle of winter, the song of the middle of winter that the Beginning of Summer heard for the first time, the revealed past and the gripping scene.

The dramatic unfolding of the impressive songs in the play overlaps and attracts what you see in a serious mood. In all 11 episodes, there was a sense of immersion that reached the best part in an instant at the beginning.

Watch the TV animation "Giffin"

In the next animated film, we will pursue the trend of the relationship between band member Akihiko and Haruki.

The story of the two people who are called the adult group and the brother group is also magnificent. Chunshu has been holding the thoughts of Qiuyan, the existence of Yuyue, a mysterious violinist who lives together, showing a strong feeling different from that of senior high school students. After reading the unexpected refreshing, 59 minutes of readability, as a sequel to the animation is also easy to look forward to the volume.

Watch "Movie Giffin"

And the latest content-- realistic TV series. This is a video work crammed into all six episodes that compactly condenses Giffin's charm.

In fact, when Giffin's live-action version was released, the reaction of fans was negligible. I hate it because the impression of the original work will be destroyed! There are a lot of such voices, on the other hand, fans of live BL have also raised their expectations. This is probably because he directed the work directed by Yasuichiro Miki, who directed the porn series. Having said that, the reaction of Given fans was generally impressive before the actual release.

But if you take a closer look, the live-action version has completed a high-quality and sincere work. It is important to shape the image beauty of the world outlook of the original works, as well as the sincere role shaping of the actors. As the completion of the TV series is also very high, if you have seen the layer of human BL before, it should be very touching to see this quality.

Especially the final scene of the finale and the moment when great changes have taken place in the relationship between the Beginning of Summer and Midwinter, what we must see is a famous scene. The actors carry out fierce special training on the musical instruments, through the actual performance to show the real heat and exciting scene, the original music and singing will also coruscate a strong color. After the concert, the scene of the connection between the Beginning of Summer and Midwinter conveyed the heartbeat of body temperature and breathing, and the beauty of the performance was also great, and overseas fans also received a lot of praise.

Although the reappearance of each character is not the same as that of the original, it also has the pleasure of adding the unique originality of the TV series. For example, the live-action version of the cold winter, slightly pinching the Beginning of Summer's shirt and the upper corner of the eye are overwhelmingly lovely, more bruised and lovely than the original!? Will have such an impact on me. The Beginning of Summer is slender and handsome. Akihiko is slightly affected by Iotoko, the gourd style of Chunshu, and his style is also very chic. People who contradict the live-action version of BL must also challenge their works.

Finally, I must also tell you that Giffin's music is very good. Animation and movies are all classical music engaged in music, the lyrics linked to Giffin and sad melodies. With the upsurge of the story, tears often cannot stop. The theme songs and songs in the Panamanian town, as a major element of the story, also play a role in dramatic speculation of the story.

Watch the live-action drama Giffin

Want to contact the content of experienced BL fans

As BL content becomes mainstream in the world, I don't know when BL tends to focus on universal stories and transgender love. However, in my heart, Giffin is always BL. With the music and the story of young people growing up, I think the foundation of the story is firm BL. Giffin's character shapes and stories are amazingly reminiscent of BL's classics.

The debut character's heavy past becomes the person who overcomes it. The story of injury, frustration, relief, and moving to the future with one's own strength is also an eternal theme that has been repeatedly portrayed since the time when the title BL was not yet available. Because of this, Giffin satisfies not only young fans, but also experienced adult BL fans. I think we must let the broad masses of people enjoy the world of Giffin.

The original comics, animations, movies, live-action TV dramas and Giffin, who have a lot of content, can slowly immerse themselves in their worldview once they are obsessed with it.

Currently, only FOD, a video distribution service, can enjoy all of Giffin's content. The FOD premium is 976 yen per month for animations, movies and TV dramas to be watched at will. It's your freedom to enjoy what you start with. No matter how many times you watch it, you are free! In addition, FOD can use the same account to buy comics. People who care about Giffin's original comics can do the same.

Would you like to experience a two-week free experience in your first login? (except for operator settlement) the night is long in autumn. If you enjoy Giffin, now is your chance!

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The housewife of the wind and the tree

歴30年以上のBLファン。AmebaブログにてBLについて語る「The housewife of the wind and the tree日記」を気ままに更新中。

[PR] provided by: Fuji TV Station (FOD)