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Enjoy "Battlefield 2042" with "Portal".From how to find your favorite server to recommended servers![Update]

"Battlefield 2042 (Battlefield 2042)" has "All-Out Warfare" where you can enjoy concrete and break-through."Hazard Zone" where you can enjoy the squad -based battle -like.And there is a "portal" as the ultimate rental server and community server that users create rules and open for free.

Of these three, only the "portal" is a bit special, and players will play with the rules created by other players.However, many people have a suspicious impression, such as a player who is nourished from the XP earning (XP firm) in the "portal".

In this article, how do you find your favorite server and play with such a "portal"?And I will explain how it is playing now.In the latter half of the article, I will introduce my recommended server!

Browse the server with "Portal"!

You can search by L3, but by default, the empty slot items are for parties, so we recommend "all".Be careful of search filters as you leave the game and return to the portal screen, so everything will be reset.

In the case of the console, I could hardly choose the server without turning on the crossplay.

It is convenient to use a sort after searching.For example, a server with high ping is now displayed.Select the cross button and press x to sort.

If you want to enter a server with a large number of players, select and change the player's item as if you chose ping.In addition, when updated, the arrangements are reset, so it is necessary to re -lined up each time.

The information of each server appears on the right, but you can see detailed information in the "Experience Information" that appears when you press the triangle button.

You can see from the map rotation to how the settings are made.

However, if a lot of servers come out at once, I don't know what is my favorite server.Therefore, what I want to use is "tag search".For example, if you value the element of BF3, tag chak to BF3.You can display your favorite server.

What kind of portal is there? Introducing the recommended server!

Now, let's introduce what servers are in the "portal" and how they can play.

The first thing I would like to recommend is this TDM server."CANALS TDM 2000" by Ciaoneemardebee (The outline information and host information on the right show another server.)

『バトルフィールド 2042』を「ポータル」で楽しもう。好みのサーバーを見つける方法からオススメサーバーまで!【UPDATE】

This server is a completely random sortie team death match based on "BF3".With 128 people participating in a short re -launch delay, you can enjoy a breathtaking close battle.The feature is that spots and dashes are based on "BF3".Let's take a look at the play.

The map to be used is one corner of "Noshahr CANAL" from "BF3", while containers are crowded in the center, but the upper right and lower left are open linearly, so you can enjoy close combat and medium -range gunfights in a well -balanced manner.It is a map, but 128 people are pushed here.

By the way, it was a map that 64 people enjoyed in a wider area.

Use the Russian submachine gun PP-2000.It is a gun that can be turned around when you carefully turn around, despite the unusual performance of low -rate low -reactionary large -capacity magazine.Because it is a PDW frame, it can be used in all soldiers, and "BF4" was my favorite gun.The shape is also good!It is also the charm of "Portal" that you can use guns that cannot be used with such "All-Out Warfare".

In this server, the upper right will display your Kirdes ratio and the top killer up to the fourth place.Depending on the settings, it seems that such a ranking can be displayed.

There was a surprising order because there were so many shields and many shields.Since 128 people participated, it was comfortable to shoot without interruption.128 Team Death Match, why not try it?It was so fun that I wanted to make it on another map.

Next is the introduction of "DYJACK BF3 PVP BF3" by douyu_jackman.This is 128 BF3 soldiers, enjoying all the concrete maps that are currently played.It is a server with an easy -to -understand concept.

The map size was also adjusted, and the map of "BF 2042" was small."ALL-OUT WARFARE" is also 128 people, and this size would have been good ...

I also liked the frequency of gunfights than "ALL-OUT WARFARE".It is a favorite point because it is a soldier / military system of "BF3", so you can use 5 anti -tank gadgets and use up to the repair tools.

It is also fresh for 128 people to participate in a map of 64 people, such as "BFBC2".

By the way, the ratio of PC users and console users looks like this.The first server I introduced was a similar ratio."Portal" users are overwhelmingly there are many PC players.

By the way, we have introduced the actual play from server browsing and recommended servers, but there are still many diverse servers.Also, if information such as the management method of the server is shared, more interesting servers will increase.

On the other hand, for the opening of the XP earning, there is no motivation to play the portal, as the experience value in the "Portal" mode has decreased significantly, and the experience value has been disabled in the first place.I'm in a state (it's the original game ...).In this work, gadgets and weapons have become an unlock system based on experience, and the needed experience is enormous.Therefore, it may be difficult to play with the "portal" until it reaches 60 levels that are all unlocked.

In addition, it is difficult to use the UI, especially when the order is reset, and the search settings are reset when returning to the menu.I would like to expect a follow -up report, including the response of the experience, but I feel a great potential based on such problems.

Why don't you find your favorite server now?

* Update (2021/11/19 08:01): Fixed because the level required for all unlocks was wrong.Thank you for pointing out in the comments.

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