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  • Engadget Logo Engadget Japanese version [Japanese notebook + cutting-edge technology] Digitize handwritten notes on paper! Equipped with a translation function! Great for studying and remote work!

Engadget Logo Engadget Japanese version [Japanese notebook + cutting-edge technology] Digitize handwritten notes on paper! Equipped with a translation function! Great for studying and remote work!

Take notes smarter! ! !

"Don't you have this kind of trouble in your daily life?"

"Digital notebook & smart pen equipped with the latest technology"

▲ Comparison image with Macbook (13 inch)

[Characteristics of DIGIPEN]

"Comparison with notebook DX products"

“DIGIPEN” is equipped with a sensor that detects pen pressure in 1024 levels and a camera that captures handwritten content at 200 frames per second or more. You can turn your writing into electronic text just by linking it with the dedicated app via Bluetooth!

Furthermore, on the application, as follows

You can create a note just as you imagined it!​​​​​​

▲ Built-in camera at the tip of "DIGIPEN"

DIGIPEN has a built-in memory of 32MB, and it is possible to save the contents of "approximately 800 pages" even when it is not connected (offline). The content saved in the main unit can be imported to the cloud by synchronizing with the smartphone app, and can be freely edited later. Even if you don't have your smartphone or tablet at hand, you can save it to the DIGIPEN unit and sync it later, so there's no need to worry!

Have you ever lost track of what you wrote in a notebook in the past and struggled to find it? DIGIPEN/B-Note can solve such problems! You can search the contents saved in cooperation with the app in the following two ways, so you don't waste time searching for notes anymore! ① Tag search function: You can set up to 3 tags that you have created yourself for each page of your notebook, and you can search them. (2) Word search function: This function allows you to search for any word from the content (electronic text) written in the notebook.

▼「①Tag search function」introduction gif From among the 3 registered notes, I searched with the tag "Tag search function test" and found 3 corresponding pages.

▼"②Word search function" introduction gif Entering the word "meeting minutes" from the 3 registered notes and searching, I found the corresponding 2 pages.

In addition, the content linked with the app can be automatically uploaded to your favorite cloud storage such as Evernote and OneNote. (* Clouds that support automatic synchronization: Evernote, OneNote, Dropbox, Google Drive)

How much time do you waste searching for documents?

By the way, where did you put that document away? Have you ever searched all over the room for paper materials? For example, if it takes you 20 minutes to find documents in a day, if you convert that into average wages, you'll lose about 160,000 yen a year! The meaning of going to work has been reconsidered due to the corona crisis, and DX and telework are progressing, so why not make your notes electronic text?

With DIGIPEN, you can search all the contents saved on the cloud from the app, so you don't have to worry about wasting time looking for materials!


The time to search for documents is “about 80 hours in a year” | Kokuyo Co., Ltd. press release (prtimes.jp)

How to make a "home office", there are tricks to work efficiently | News & Analysis | Diamond Online (diamond.jp)

By synchronizing your handwriting on DIGIPEN with a dedicated app and digitizing it, you can replay the handwriting process! You can make a stronger impression on the contents of the notebook, and the possibilities are endless depending on your ideas! Of course, replay scenes can also be uploaded to SNS, so you can share the design process on Instagram and Twitter!

▲ "Replay function" introduction gif 1

▲ "Replay function" introduction gif 2

The dedicated app is also equipped with an OCR function (optical character recognition), allowing the app to read characters (whether printed or handwritten) on paper and turn them into electronic text. If the minutes of the meeting can be converted to electronic text using the OCR function, then after the meeting, you can easily edit them on your smartphone or computer. You can significantly cut the time and effort of creating minutes!

▲Introduction of "OCR function" gif 1 Select the range you want to read from the image of the printed characters and convert it into electronic text.

▲Introduction of "OCR function" gif 2 Handwritten characters are converted into electronic text (Japanese is selected this time, but more than 60 languages ​​are supported)

The DigiPen dedicated app currently recognizes over 60 languages ​​and supports electronic text conversion and translation. Japanese, English (US/UK), French, German, Chinese (Simplified/Hong Kong/Taiwan), etc.!

In addition to translating sentences, it also has a function to recognize chemical reaction formulas and formulas.

▼Introduction gif of "OCR function" Reads handwritten chemical formulas and formulas and converts them into electronic text.

You can take voice memos by clicking the voice recording button in the app and using your tablet or smartphone's microphone. Don't worry about leaking conversations that you didn't catch or didn't take notes in time.

Need to add the touch the notebook and the record start

▼ Create a voice memo (from ① in-app operation)

▼ Create a voice memo (② Touch the top button of the note)

DIGIPEN can be used continuously for 8 hours with about 1.5 hours of charging. No need to worry about running out of battery on all-day business trips or meetings.

■ High-quality A5 notebooks made in Japan are used, which are particular about the "writing taste" of the notebook!

With the cooperation of "Onken Co., Ltd.", which was founded in 1967 and has its head office in Itabashi-ku, Tokyo, we have developed an A5 size notebook "B-Note" exclusively for DIGIPEN! It has a simple appearance and is made with high-quality paper that is comfortable to write on. Smooth writing is sure to stimulate your inspiration! The size is not too small, and the A5 size is just right for carrying around.

The paper is gridded and straight, making it easy to draw graphs

✅ Line type, color, and thickness can be changed during real-time synchronization

↓The thickness of the line is changed in the upper row, and the color of the line is changed in the lower row.

↓ After using the marker, I use the eraser to erase what I wrote.

*There are two ways to change the color. In the above GIF, the color is changed on the app screen, but you can also change it by touching the button at the bottom of the notebook with a pen as shown below.

✅ You can paste images and write on notes!

You can select an image taken with a smartphone or tablet or an image saved and paste it in your notebook! You can also draw comments on it with a pen, expanding the range of utilization.

▼Introduction gif of "image pasting function" Pasting any image in the smartphone to the notebook and adding a comment

✅ It is easy to share with other apps such as SNS and email. It also supports PDF and image saving (JPEG)​​​​​​​

*Depending on your smartphone environment, there are many other apps that can be shared. Quickly share notes and ideas with friends and colleagues on Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, and email

▼Introduction gif of "Sharing function" You can easily share the contents of the saved note in various formats.

✅ Dedicated app operation explanation

* Screen specifications may change due to version upgrades of the app.

Other convenient functions

The DigiPen automatically turns on when the cap is removed, and uses Bluetooth 5.0 (energy-saving) technology, so charging lasts longer.

▲ "Auto ON" introduction gif

Both DIGIPEN and B-Note are equipped with a 360° recognition function, so even if you write with the notebook in landscape orientation, it will work without any problems no matter which direction the pen tip is pointing!​​​​

✅ When writing down ideas and designs

✅ When sharing the contents of a remote meeting

✅ When studying online

✅ For those who want to "handwrite" on a computer

✅ For those who have a habit of taking notes on paper

✅ Make a note of a meeting on the phone

✅ For those who want to keep records securely For creating minutes of face-to-face meetings

For trendy remote meetings! Whether it's a face-to-face meeting or a remote meeting, you can save the content digitally in real time and deploy the minutes immediately after the meeting ends. There is no doubt that you will be recognized at work with improved work efficiency!

1. DigiPen + B-Note (super super discount 50% OFF): 9,980 yen

2. DigiPen + B-Note (super discount 45% OFF): 10,980 yen

3. DigiPen + B-Note (super discount 43% OFF): 11,380 yen

4. DigiPen + B-Note (early bird 40% OFF): 11,980 yen

5. DigiPen + B-Note (special discount 38% OFF): 12,380 yen

6. DigiPen + B-Note Pro (Greenfunding discount 35% OFF): 12,980 yen

7. B-Note x 1 (super discount 10% OFF): 540 yen

8. B-Note x 2 (super discount 17% OFF): 1,000 yen

9. B-Note x 4 (Super discount 21% OFF): 1,920 yen

■ DigiPen body


■ Bundled items

・DigiPen body x 1 unit

・1 original B-Note (A5 size, 32 pages)

・USB cable for charging (Micro-USB)

・Extra lead (5 ballpoint pens)

Engadget Logo Engadget Japanese version [Japan Notebook + cutting-edge technology] Digitize handwritten notes on paper! Equipped with a translation function! Great for studying and remote work!

・Japanese instruction manual and warranty card (1 year warranty)

*Notebook country of origin: Japan



■ App

SNS campaign

The first 50 people who share the project from the SNS share button after "supporting this project" will receive "1 B-Note" as a gift!

"Application conditions"

1. Support the return of "DigiPen & B-Note".

2. Share the "Share support link" on your own SNS.

3. Please contact us from "Send comments and questions by message". * If only B-Note is used, the application will be invalid. Please understand that there is a trade-off with the Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations.

4. Among those who contacted us, the first 50 people will be eligible for gifts.

"How to apply"

① Share from the Facebook or Twitter share button on this page! ② LINE official registration of BRIGHT DIY: Click here! ③ Please let us know the shared post URL and Greenfunding account I order ID on LINE.

Please share on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

At that time, I would appreciate it if you could write down the reasons such as "what you liked" and "why you supported".

I would appreciate it if you could use the hashtag #DigiPen#B-Note #BrightDIY tab.

We would be very grateful if you could follow our account as well! We are very welcome to share multiple times, so please take care of it.

"Application period"

During GREENFUNDING release period *Included in return shipping.

Stretch goals

The more you support, the more profitable the stretch goal will be for everyone who supports it!

≪Additional return ①: B-Note x 1≫ 15 million yen

≪Additional return ②: B-Note x 2≫ 30 million yen

≪Additional return ③: B-Note x 3≫ 50 million yen

When a certain amount of support is exceeded, the return will be automatically added to all supporters.

DIGIPEN development process

① Product idea sketch We draw a rough sketch that matches the product concept and aim for a beautiful and easy-to-use design.

(2) Notebook specification design We will consider the design and specifications of the notebook so that it can be used with DIGIPEN as much as possible.

(3) 3D modeling Sketches are transformed into 3D data using CAD, and durability and placement of built-in parts are examined so that they can be actually commercialized.

(4) Prototype Prototypes are created, used in practice, and minor improvements are added to bring them to the final product level.

Use of funds

The funds received from our supporters will be used carefully for the following purposes.

・Product purchase funds, transportation, and delivery costs to supporters

・Production costs for product packages, etc.

・R&D expenses for further improvement of DIGIPEN/B-Note

・Marketing necessary to introduce the smart pen "DIGIPEN" and the smart note "B-Note" to the Japanese market

I will use it for things like this, so please support me.

Significance of the project

① I want to popularize electronic stationery that helps improve work efficiency when the world is in trouble due to the corona wreck.

I think everyone has experienced the work of retyping handwritten meeting minutes on a computer over the course of two to three hours. I think it's a very wasteful time without any productivity. Amidst calls for work style reforms in the world due to the corona crisis, we wanted to contribute to improving everyone's productivity even a little, so we immediately added a meeting minutes function.

② I want to popularize electronic stationery that is useful in the telework era while valuing the feeling of writing on "paper".

We usually use computers to develop the latest products, but there are still jobs that have to be written on paper. After all, the feeling of writing on a computer or tablet is completely different from the feeling of writing on "paper", and I believe that the good stimulation to the brain that can only be created by writing on "paper" is the driving force for generating inspiration. , I wanted to cherish the writing taste of "paper", so I launched this project.

③ Part of the funds raised will be used for more efficient function development tailored to the Japanese market.

Because we want to deliver even better products to everyone, rather than simply selling products, we sincerely accept opinions and requests regarding the returns of supporters received through this project. We plan to improve the functionality, UI, and design of the app and notes further. We want our supporters to use our products as products that they can use for the rest of their lives, and we will do our best to make them even better. Therefore, after the end of this project, we will conduct a questionnaire survey on usability, so we would appreciate your cooperation.

④ Through this project, we will strive to produce higher quality Japanese notebooks and support domestic manufacturers.

Through this project, we want to revitalize domestic manufacturers, so we have entrusted the production of this dedicated notebook "B-Note" to the domestic manufacturer "Onken Co., Ltd.". We are planning to continue to produce domestic notebooks in Japan.

*In the future, we are considering not only A5 size, but also A3 and A4 sizes, and a link function with Google Calendar. We plan to further improve the functionality based on your support.

Introduction of manufacturers

▼Commitment to Made in Japan

ーIn cooperation with Onken Co., Ltd. https://onken.co.jp/, we thoroughly focused on the comfort and writing comfort of B-Note. After repeated trial and error, we have achieved a comfortable smoothness when running the pen that can never be reproduced in his high quality and durable digital. Since its founding in 1967, Onken Co., Ltd. has expanded its range of services with the changing times, starting with magnetic media related to "sound". Currently, we have expanded our business to include printing, logistics, media, assembly and kitting, promotional goods and novelties, and have evolved into a one-stop organization that can respond to all needs. Specialized personnel manage each process from printing to bookbinding, enabling integrated production within the company. All processes are concentrated on one floor to minimize the movement of products, resulting in low costs and short delivery times. It has come true. Color tone management using a color management system, systematic machine maintenance, and inspection camera equipment are installed in various locations to stabilize the product level. It is working.

Introduction of drafter

"Life is the best DIY project ever!"

I want to make it easier to enjoy DIY that enriches my life. With that in mind, we, BRIGHT DIY, started our activities.

We are working day and night to develop new products that suit the Japanese market that can enrich your life through innovation.

Support BRIGHT DIY! Thank you very much.

BRIGHTDIY Store Introduction

For DIGIPEN refills and B-Notes, we have put in place a system where you can purchase them from the BRIGHTDIY Rakuten store and our own EC site even after the end of the project so that you can use our products for a long time. Please feel free to support us. (The URL will be sent to supporters separately.)

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.When I "handwrite" on a computer, can I change the color with the "dedicated pen"? A.Adjustment of pen tip type, thickness, color, etc. will be done on the app you are using.

Q.Can I save what I wrote in the notebook to my smartphone? A.Yes, it is possible. You can save the synchronized contents on the smartphone app.

Q.Can I convert the characters I wrote down into text? A. Yes. It has an OCR function and supports recognition of 71 languages ​​including Japanese.

Q.Where can I get the dedicated smartphone app? A. Please download from the QR code of the instruction manual.

Q.Is there a charge for the dedicated smartphone app? A.It is free. In addition, the operating environment of the application and the compatible OS are IOS 9.0 and Android 5.0 or higher.

Q.Is there an eraser function? A.There is an "eraser" function on the app. By selecting this icon, you can partially or completely erase the digitized content.

Q.Is it possible to check the contents saved in the main unit on the main unit side? A.No, you can't. The contents saved in the main unit can be checked on the smartphone side for the first time after connecting to the smartphone.

Q.Can I write on "B-Note" with other ballpoint pens instead of the special ballpoint pen "DIGIPEN"? A.You can write on the notebook, but it will not work with the smartphone app except for the special ballpoint pen "DIGIPEN". (cannot be digitized)

Q.Can I use commercially available notebooks? A.No. The DIGIPEN built-in camera is designed to recognize only the dedicated B-Note. (Because the page is specially processed for pen position identification)

Q.Is it possible to purchase only the "extra lead" for the dedicated ballpoint pen "DIGIPEN"? A.When general sales start, we plan to sell it as a "replacement core set".

Q.Can I use my USB cable? A. Yes. A Micro-USB cable can be used for charging the main unit.

Q.Does it come with a manual? A. Yes. Japanese instruction manual and product warranty are enclosed.

Q. What happens if it breaks down? A.We have a 1 year manufacturer's warranty. Don't worry. If the product fails during normal use during the warranty period, we will repair or replace it free of charge. (Please note that we may not be able to respond if there is clear intent or negligence) Parallel imports, etc., cannot be guaranteed if purchased from other than our company.

Q. Is PSE already supported? A. Since the energy density of the battery is 400Wh/L or less, it is a product that does not require PSE application.

Risks & Challenges

・For products under development, the design and specifications may be partially changed. In that case, we will contact you in the activity report.

・If the number of support exceeds expectations, the shipping time may be delayed due to circumstances in the manufacturing process. In the unlikely event that there is a delay, we will notify you as soon as possible in the activity report.

・Regarding the feeling of use, it is a product that is expected to differ from person to person. Therefore, we cannot accept returns or refunds regarding the feeling of use.

Due to the nature of crowdfunding, we ask for your understanding and understanding of the above precautions in advance and for your support. Finally, we would like to ask for your support as all the team members will do their best to make everyone who picks up "DIGIPEN/B-Note" happy.