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  • Engadget Logo Engadget Japanese version of the evolving "HomeKit", what will happen to the home network in the iOS15/tvOS15 generation? (Qianjia Nishida)

Engadget Logo Engadget Japanese version of the evolving "HomeKit", what will happen to the home network in the iOS15/tvOS15 generation? (Qianjia Nishida)

In the release of WWDC21 (compared with iOS and iPadOS), the "home network" may be relatively simple, but it has evolved steadily. At its core is the evolution of "tvOS" on Apple TV, and the evolution of "HomeKit", the home network framework used by the OS of each device.

Let's confirm what is already clear in WWDC21 about what evolution will be achieved in 2021.

What is Apple's "home network"?

Before explaining evolution, let's introduce the basic structure.

Apple's home networking devices are built as a framework for calling home LAN counterparts from devices such as iPhone and Mac.

Generally speaking

That is to say, the whole mechanism is "HomeKit".

The operator is at home, and the home network machine is fine when all the LAN can be operated from within the home, but when not, for example, if you want to control household appliances from outside the house, you need a "core" machine anyway.

In the case of HomeKit, it is "Apple TV" or "HomePod". Apple TV, in particular, has a wider range of use because it has a TV monitor and the application can also run. So when making home networks with products corresponding to Home Kit, Apple TV and HomePod are not necessary, but "if there is, the scope of active use will be expanded". Just think of it this way.

Therefore, in the case of "the evolution of home networks based on the new OS", it is formed by a combination of two technologies. One is "new OS functions of iPhone and other devices", and the other is "new functions such as Apple TV as a hub".

The Development of Apple TV as a "Video device"

When considering new features of the home network, it will be easier to understand the functions implemented by "new features such as Apple TV" and "federation of machines corresponding to HomeKit".

First of all, start with the former. Because it's easier to understand.

Apple TV's OS "tvOS" is upgraded to "tvOS15". UI and others do not seem to have changed much, but like iOS and others, the function on the axis of FaceTime has changed a lot. In particular, people in FaceTime calls can enjoy the same content of "SharePlay", in addition to smartphones and tablets, but also through the combination of TV and smartphone to achieve value.

The value of Apple TV lies in watching videos and games. Although ID syndication is necessary for the purchase of applications and services, Apple TV's remote control is fatally "not good at text input". There is also voice input for Siri, but I want an easier method.

As a result, there was the ability to replace iPhone with a remote control in the past, but it will be easier in the future. Because Face ID and Touch ID on iPhone can be used for authentication.

In addition, cooperation between AirPods Pro and AirPods Max will also be strengthened. These headphones can be used to play "spatial audio" over Dolby Atmos.

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エンガジェット日本版 進化を続ける「HomeKit」、iOS 15 / tvOS 15世代でホームネットワークはどうなる?(西田宗千佳)

Spatial audio support in AirPods Pro/Air Pods Max is also available on iPhone/iPad, but they seem to have changed from Apple TV's. With the characteristics of Apple TV, which is often watched leisurely in the living room, the design of sound field space will be promoted.

Moreover, the motion sensor is also further used. When I watch a movie at home, I sometimes move to the toilet and kitchen. If the "real sound field" is reproduced at that time, it will become very strange. Because there is no picture in front of me, but the sound will come from the real direction.

In order to avoid this situation, if it is judged that "standing on the seat has moved", the reproduction of spatial audio is temporarily stopped. Then, when moving and returning, the direction of the reproduction space is "locked" and the reproduction of the spatial audio is restarted.

In addition, if you have a HomePod mini, you can also use it as a speaker for the Apple TV, and if there are two, it will of course become stereo.

By strengthening camera collaboration, "placement" can also be identified.

Next, let's talk about working with HomeKit-compatible devices.

As mentioned earlier, Apple TV and HomePod are not "necessary" for the home network of Apple devices. However, if there is a hub, the functions that can be used will be increased, so the importance will also increase. Many new functions are based on the existence of such a "hub".

For example, "understanding of placement and matching". There has been cooperation with home security cameras in the past, but this time it is further enhanced by notifying iPhone to let you know by recognizing that "luggage is delivered outside the door."

This function is not done by the camera using AI. It is the "in-device AI" in Apple TV and HomePod that recognizes and processes the camera's image. So, without those machines, you can't notify. On the other hand, as a camera, even a simple camera can be achieved, and because the image is not sent to the other side of the cloud, it is also advantageous in terms of privacy.

The surveillance camera images in the original HomeKit are transmitted in encrypted form, so that the service operators, including Apple, cannot see the content and store it in an encrypted state. This is called "HomeKit Secure Video", but the above "recognition of placement allocation" is the local image recognition after it is extended.

The smart key is realized through "NFC". More information after the summer

Among the new features involved in HomeKit, what is striking is the ability to log in to iPhone Wallet with your own key as a smart key.

So far, there are also smart keys to work with HomeKit, which is to use HomeKit's out-of-house access function, or to use voice recognition, in this sense. But what will be installed in the future is a "touch" smart key.

Detailed disclosure is thought to be summer and is rarely known at present. However, some interesting information is already clear.

First of all, the corresponding smart lock must have "NFC". This is due to the use of NFC to unlock touch rather than traditional Bluetooth communication.

In addition, NFC-based smart keys can be registered as iPhone "express cards". As a result, the iPhone can be touched even if it has few batteries, and it works without opening the Wallet application. This is the same as the features used in traffic IC card payments such as Mobile Suica. But at this time, it is not known whether smart keys and mobile Suica can "live together".

It is probably after the summer that there is a specific corresponding machine out, you can see the conditions when imported into your home, but it is very different from many previous "Bluetooth-based smart keys", and the difficulty of import will be different.
