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Engadget Logo Engadget Japanese version Mercari's sales of 130,000 yen was about to be confiscated without any explanation

The author's experience mentioned in this article has already been reported to Mercari, and the problem has been solved for the time being. It was said that it was an extremely rare case, but when I posted the following tweet at the end of last year, many people were in trouble in the same situation, so I will describe the details with the meaning of calling attention.

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The background situation will be clarified not a little later, but first I will describe the background as a way of seeing from the user. In October of last year (2021), the author's Melpay (payment service) arbitrarily restricted and lifted it about three times. Actually, there was a security risk, so I restricted it. → I just received 3 emails (6 times in total) saying that I canceled it because there was no problem. It took a few hours from the limit to the removal, and I'm not a heavy user of Mercari / Mercari in the first place. It was about), so I left it without worrying about it at this time.

A few days later, when I thought I was notified of the fourth restriction, I didn't receive the restriction removal email after about a week. The balance of Melpay at this point is about 130,000 yen. When I made an inquiry from the Mercari inquiry form, a few days later, I was told that the Mercari inquiry was not this way, and I contacted again from the Mercari inquiry form (it is difficult to understand). It will be released safely after a few more days, but it will be restricted again after a few more days. I haven't done anything from here, but this is the 5th time.

I made a second contact from the inquiry form of Melpay, and I thought that it would be canceled after a while, but the main part starts from here.

Immediately after my second contact with Mercari, I suddenly became unable to log in to Mercari. At first I thought that I made a mistake because it only appears if the email address or password is different, but I am logged out from multiple terminals and I can not log in even if I enter the correct combination by any means.

When this happens, I have no choice but to contact Mercari, but the inquiry form was confusing again (it was a little improved in the latest version). Since it is a service with an extremely large number of users, I understand the intention of turning it into a FAQ from the UI as much as possible.

If you are restricted from logging in, you will be asked to investigate by the Mercari office. I haven't used it recently, and I just inquired about the restrictions on Melpay, so I can't figure it out, but I have no other choice.

In addition to the fact that Mercari is still restricted, I wrote that I could not log in to Mercari, and sent it with an identity verification document attached. Immediately, I received an automatic reply email that the reception was completed, and a few hours later, I think that this is also an automatic reply saying "I will reply within 24 hours", but I received two emails. The third email that came within 24 hours said, "I'm busy, so I'll be late in replying."

── One week has passed

Is it difficult to understand the text of the inquiry (I have been an editor for 20 years, but I haven't written much articles recently), whether there was a defect in the identity verification document, or whether I touched on some terms in the past listing, seriously. Since I have a personality, I only search for my own faults, but for the time being, I searched for a number to see if it was quick to call, but it was completely hidden and I could not find any description anywhere.

It's understandable that it's actually difficult to provide telephone support with a service as large as Mercari. Later, when I asked the company's public relations, it was said that "(telephone support) is not supported at all", but I was not able to ask in what cases telephone support would be possible. ..

Even a credit card company can call you in case of emergency. It is a service that involves the money of the people, and it is usually treated as a credit card in Apple Pay etc., so it seems absolutely awkward to just use the form for trouble, but it is beyond the eyes of the Consumer Affairs Agency. It seems.

── Another month has passed

After that, I tried to make inquiries by attaching different types of identity verification documents from the inquiry form several times, but another month passed without solving anything with the same automatic reply. I was quite reluctant to send personal information over and over again without any reply. I had already given up on 130,000 yen and started thinking about what to do with Engadget ...

Suddenly only Melpay revives

I received an e-mail that completely ignored the flow so far, and I was informed that it was canceled because there was no problem with the restrictions on Melpay (fixed phrase). I no longer know when and which inquiry to reply to. Then, I wondered if Mercari could log in, but I couldn't do it (I think I should have reset the password at this time, but no information came. I can't tell because it doesn't exist).

If you cannot log in to Mercari, you will not know your Mercari balance and you will not be able to apply for bank transfer. However, since Melpay (iD) payment can be used, I decided to move the sales of 130,000 yen to a safe place as much as possible, and charge Suica and PASMO (20,000 yen and 19,000 yen are the maximum, so it is steady every day. I decided to do it. I was wondering why I had to do something like this ...

However, there will be a limit on Melpay again, leaving about 30,000 yen left. disappointing! It was just a little more ... What kind of game is this? It's not fun ... As an aside, even in this situation, emails such as Mercari's campaign information will be sent to you, so it was not very good for mental health.

To be honest, I've never experienced a service that forces users to have imagination and patience. Will I lose if I interact with the user? Is there such a company motto? In the end, it didn't work out, so I contacted Mercari's public relations and told them that I was considering making an article because of the above.

It was a peculiar situation to strengthen security

According to a spokesperson, phishing scams and fraudulent use of payments have surged, and it was necessary to take immediate measures against them. I haven't heard the details, but I think I changed the setting of the AI ​​threshold (criteria for judging suspected fraud). In order to prevent the spread of damage, it was necessary to temporarily restrict the use of users, and in some cases we had to wait for a response under unique circumstances, but we are unable to communicate (and usually) at present, so we have to wait. It was a system that never happened.

The above is the event from October to November last year, and after all, my account was resolved via public relations. Therefore, I am sorry that it is not helpful for people in the same situation at all, but in December of last year (I think that users have seen it), Mercari apologized for inquiries and emailed about future information. Has arrived frequently, and it seems that the company's response is progressing at a rapid pace. The app is updated frequently, and the UI has improved.

Again, in my case (which happened last year), I couldn't get any information, I couldn't talk, and I couldn't deny the impression that I was completely ignored. If you're not a media person, I think you're stuck. I'm not particular about the phone (I asked for dialogue), but I think that the trust of the service will depend on how quickly the form can respond if there is something wrong with the service involving money. increase.

It is only the information when the article is published, but if you feel uneasy, we recommend that you do not stock a large amount of sales in the Melpay balance and transfer it to your account.

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