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  • Dokidoki Co., Ltd., Audio Metaverse patent application, ready to convert voice AR space into NFT and accelerate support for creators

Dokidoki Co., Ltd., Audio Metaverse patent application, ready to convert voice AR space into NFT and accelerate support for creators

Dokidoki Co., Ltd., which develops the Audio Metaverse Platform, a voice AR space where users can create a multidimensional world, has announced that it has filed a patent application with the Patent Office.

Audio Metaverse Co., Ltd. This patent application relates to a method of connecting virtual space and physical real space in the audio metaverse. This technology allows users in the physical world to share exactly the same spatial experience as users connected remotely, interacting interactively in a separate audio AR space called a "cube." . DokiDoki is also currently developing ways for users to design their continuous audio experience. This experience is stored as a memory in the spatial unit "cube" in the audio metaverse, and can be revisited and re-experienced whenever the user wishes. Ownership of these spaces can also be sold, rented, or transferred from creators to buyers through the sale of NFTs (Non-fungible tokens). Traditional social audio platforms simply focus on social interaction, and the space for interaction with users is realized only at the moment when the host creates and there are participants, but in the audio metaverse cube exists independently of the host organizer. The experience of entering Cube, and the raison d'être of Cube itself, is not premised on anyone hosting or distributing it. Once created, a cube can exist indefinitely and can be entered at any time. It is always there, just like a real land or a place in real space. Users do not need any special equipment or environment to participate in the audio metaverse. Spatial audio compatible earbuds offer the ideal experience for everyone. Accessibility through audio devices not only removes the hurdle of having to go to a place, but visually impaired people can also go to a space full of three-dimensional reality, where they can naturally immerse and interact with other users. opportunities to share. Doki Doki, which has offices in Kyoto and San Francisco, has been developing a social platform using voice since 2016. In 2017, we released iOS apps "Baby" and "Ball", the earliest voice social networks. The next app released in the US is the voice social app Dabel. Over 80,000 users on the platform enjoy live conversations and connections with others they have just met. The team has also put a lot of effort into the app's accessibility, designing it so that visually impaired users can fully enjoy the platform. Doki Doki was founded by Takahito Iguchi. Iguchi has been a leader in the field of XR (cross reality), starting with the augmented reality app “Sekai Camera” in 2009 and the wearable device “Telepathy” in 2013. In 2019, Iguchi led Doki Doki to develop and produce “Dabel,” and then made a major shift in the direction of the team to specialize in the audio metaverse. * The following is special information limited to media personnel. Please refrain from disclosing information on personal SNS etc.
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  3. Dokidoki Co., Ltd. Applies for Audio Metaverse Patent Accelerating support for creators by converting voice AR space into NFT Stance

Dokidoki Inc., audio metaverse patent application Preparing to convert voice AR space to NFT and accelerate support for creators