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  • Do the company need fax?!Are there any benefits?Modern FAX situation to be aware | Standing notebook for entrepreneurship, founding and funding

Do the company need fax?!Are there any benefits?Modern FAX situation to be aware | Standing notebook for entrepreneurship, founding and funding

Will it be a new advertising tool?!The IT toolmaster explains about the use, value, roles, types and future potential of faxes in modern companies

"I don't need fax anymore?!" "Is there any merit for fax?"

A long time ago, faxes were used by many companies, just like landlines, but recently the number of companies using faxes has decreased.But can the fax really be abolished?

In this article, we will explain the needs of faxes, types, and future potential in modern companies.If you are aware of the introduction, maintenance and abolition of fax, please refer to it.

Contents of this article

  • FAX type
  • FAX merit
  • FAX demand and future potential
  • Fax convenient tool service
  • Fax abolition is still early!Use a convenient tool to make use of it
  • What is fax?

    FAX is a device that uses a telephone line to exchange images by electrical signal, and is an abbreviation of "Facsimile".Basically, it is a monochrome fax, but the content that can be sent is not limited to letters, but if it can be printed on paper, the contents do not matter.

    In general, telephone lines are used for fax communication, but there is no need to be a telephone line technically, and if you can exchange fax information, it can be used regardless of communication.

    Fax usage

    Currently, the main uses of faxes in companies are as follows.

    FAX may be used for exchanges between companies or exchanges with individual customers.It is used for those who do not use e -mail or SNS, or sending handwritten notes, illustrations, maps, etc. that are difficult to write and files.

    In recent years, the spread of smartphones has been spread, making it easier to take notes with photos and send them.As a result, the need for faxes in this respect has decreased, but some industries, such as real estate and the media, still have many faxes.

    In the past, transaction documents were sent by fax, but recently it has become common to send by e -mail, so it is rarely used in transmission and receiving transaction information.

    In government offices and administrative organizations, faxes are still used for documents.These institutions provide multiple communication methods in consideration of various positions, and faxes are one of them.

    Some staff have no email addresses to interact with outside people.FAX may be used for such staff to exchange documents with outside.

    Municipal government offices, pension offices, Hello Work, Labor Standards Inspection Office, Immigration Bureau, etc. are not emailed, and are often exchanged by fax.

    Many people are not good at devices such as personal computers and smartphones, and want paper media.It was often seen that clerks and secretaries received emails, printed and handed materials on paper.In some cases, you may specify "Please send it by fax" to save such trouble and prevent printer congestion.

    Also, if there is no printer at home or company, or if the number of printers is small for the number of employees in the company, faxes may be placed in preparation for paper documents.

    In the past, if you had to submit an invoice or delivery note by the original of the paper, and if it was not in time for the delivery date, there was a lot of usage, "Send a fax for the time being".Nowadays, it is common to send a PDF file by e -mail, but some companies still use this.

    FAX can be received and printed even if you are unmanned, so it may be used for applications such as submitting or applying out of hours.

    FAX type

    Currently, the types of faxes that are generally used are as follows.

    会社にFAXは必要?!メリットはあるの?知っておくべき現代のFAX事情 | 起業・創業・資金調達の創業手帳

    General faxes use telephone lines.The fax number can be used with the same number as the phone number, but in that case, the phone cannot be used during the fax, and the fax cannot be used during the telephone, so it is generally prepared a different number.is.

    In general faxes, you need a printed paper in the image when transmitting.In some cases, the required number is read and sent to the fax device, so in some cases it must be printed before sending.In addition, since the telephone line is used, a telephone fee will be charged according to the time of use.Therefore, if there is a large amount of fax, the cost will be high.

    Internet fax is a way to use the Internet instead of a telephone line for fax exchanges.Converts the information that can be communicated on the Internet and transmit and receive.

    Basically, because it is processed as a PDF data, unlike faxes using telephone, images can be used not only in monochrome but also for colors.In the Internet fax, the fax number uses the Internet phone number.

    Internet faxes are basically communicated using computers and Internet -compatible fax devices.Unlike when using a telephone line, it is also effective for paperless because it does not require printing.Images are possible on the computer.In the case of Internet fax -only equipment, it also supports writing from writing and reading the received image.

    Because the Internet is used, the cost is lower than in the case of telephone lines, and the transmission and receiving is faster.Due to the many benefits, it is the mainstream of the current fax.

    The fax distribution system is a system for distributing faxes as you can see from the name.If you create the image you want to send (or documents) and the destination of the destination on a PC, etc., and upload it from email or web service, the system will automatically send it as fax.

    It is useful if you want to send a large amount of fax, such as a press release to the media or if you want to send a DM by fax to a customer list.Depending on the system, it can be linked to the core system, and it can also be used to increase the efficiency of issuance and sending services such as receivables and invoices.

    The fax distribution system is a mechanism that uses Internet fax, and is generally provided by SaaS.Prices including communication charges are set as service charges, and are charged according to the number of transmitted and users.

    FAX merit

    FAX is still used because there are benefits.Let's check the benefits of fax.

    Faxes are rarely sent as emails, and they are rarely spam processed.In addition, it often arrives in a printed state like a flyer, and is often seen before it is discarded.

    Due to the opening rate and the high reach rate of the target, direct marketing by faxes aimed at attracting customers is also actively performed.

    FAX is rarely used for mischief, as the owner is decreasing.For this reason, faxes such as TVs and newspapers, which are highly trusted to the source of faxes, and have a lot of information, used faxes for press releases and information provision (currently in combination with emails.)

    In addition to the phone number and e -mail address, you can put the fax number on the company website and business cards, so you can impress a solid company.Also, if you use a lot of faxes, you may be able to give a sense of security and trust in transactions.

    If you can no longer use email due to mail server failure, you can use fax as an emergency communication means.Fax is effective if you do not know who to contact the company, or if you want to keep in touch with no one at the company.

    There is an advantage that faxes are easy to use even for those with low IT skills, such as the elderly and children.For this reason, there are many cases where faxes are prepared not only in government offices, but also in store businesses and support centers with a wide range of customers.

    FAX demand and future potential

    According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications in 2018, 57 in 2009, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications..1%FAX holding rate is 34 in 2018.It has decreased significantly in about 10 years, 0%.Demand is declining, as the number of tools that can replace fax functions has increased.

    "Defeat FAX" is planned as an administrative reform following "Hanko", and it is unlikely that FAX demand will be reduced in the future.However, on the other hand, it is unlikely that fax will be abolished immediately due to the industries and industries that are difficult to abolish faxes and the needs as a means of contact.

    With the advent of Internet faxes, the cost of introducing and using faxes has dropped significantly, and companies still have the advantages of using faxes, such as improving reliability, using marketing, and improving the efficiency of administrative procedures.

    However, there is no doubt that faxes using telephone lines will be in the direction of abolition due to costs and changes in the future communication infrastructure.Therefore, we recommend using Internet fax for introduction and equipment replacement.

    Fax convenient tool service

    Fax selection tends to be conscious of equipment, but there are many tools for convenient use of fax.Here are some tools that are useful for using Internet fax and faxing.

    ・ Second fax transmission


    ・ Second speed fax plus


    * All costs include tax

    <主な機能>・秒速FAX送信ブラウザ・メールFAX機能、予約配信、配信状況確認、CSVダウンロード、電話帳、一斉送信、グループ機能など・ Second speed fax plusFAX to PDF機能、メール通知、受信履歴、API、パスワード設定など

    The second fax is a service that allows you to use fax without a fax device.Services are divided between transmission and reception, and can be introduced in the minimum according to the application.Both transmission and reception have a substantial function and management function, so efficient management is possible even when the amount of fax is large.

    Security is solid, and it uses domestic servers and domestic networks, making it easier to introduce even when it is difficult to use cloud services due to its own security rules and regulations.


    * All costs include tax。年払いも可。※導入時に30日の無料トライアルが適用されます。

    FAX transmission / reception, multiple email addresses, PDF conversion

    EFAX is a service to use Internet FAX inexpensive and easily.It is easy to use, and you can send faxes simply by attaching a PDF file to the e -mail according to the prescribed rules.

    In addition, when receiving faxes, a PDF file (office file is also possible) arrives as an attached email, so a fax device is not required.Sending and receiving can be confirmed not only on a personal computer but also on smartphones and from a smartphone, and it can be used with up to five email addresses, so you can use the team.

    It is useful if you want to introduce a fax, though it is not so frequently used because of its simple function and low cost.It also supports international fax.


    FAX simultaneous distribution, corporate database, email delivery

    NetLink is a service for sending direct mail by e -mail or fax.Since it is a completely pay -as -you -go, it will not be a burden if the frequency of use is not so large.

    It is possible to create a list and distribute DM based on conditions such as industries, regions, and corporate information, and can use about 3.9 million corporate lists.


    Fax abolition is still early!Use a convenient tool to make use of it

    FAX has long been useful as a means of transmitting information alongside the phone.Despite the fact that the role has faded in the times, there are still a wide range of applications and many benefits for companies.

    There are also Internet faxes that can use fax at low cost and convenient tools for simultaneous distribution and document management, so use them well.

    The founding notebook (booklet version) is a mother and child handbook of a company full of know -how, which is indispensable when starting a business.Since it is distributed for free, please help us support various issues such as funding after the founding and expanding sales channels.


    (Edit: Founding Handbook Editorial Department)

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