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[Digital divide] Keywords in 1 minute #16

The information gap between those who can use the Internet and computers and those who cannot due to geographical problems and the aging population. In Japan, in order to eliminate disparities, companies and local governments are actively working to improve the Internet connection environment and provide support for usage.

35% of the world cannot use the Internet

In developed countries, including Japan, the Internet penetration rate is over 90%*. Countries with economically and technologically developed countries tend to use mobile phones and computers because of the environment of Internet connection, and the penetration rate is high. On the other hand, the diffusion rate of the Internet is less than 10%* in countries where the Internet is inadequate due to conflict areas or natural environments. Another reason is that there is no environment where the Internet can be used due to geographical problems.

Towards the realization of a society where everyone can benefit from services

With the spread of smartphones and computers, the digitization of society is expanding, such as cashless payments and online administrative procedures. However, some people, such as the elderly who have never touched a smartphone, cannot benefit from digitized services.

[Digital divide] ~ 1 minute Understandable keyword #16

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications is concerned that the digital divide will accelerate isolation from society, and promotes the elimination of the digital divide. Eliminating the digital divide will lead to various benefits, such as equal benefits for all citizens and immediate contact in the event of a disaster or emergency.

SoftBank aims to "implement digital society" and is working to promote digitalization in cooperation with local governments and organizations so that everyone from children to the elderly can benefit from digitalization. We are also working on a non-terrestrial network (NTN) that delivers communications from space to areas without an internet connection environment.

Digital divide-related content

(Published date: March 3, 2022) Text: Softbank News Editorial Department


The content is the information at the time of publication. The company names, service names, titles, etc. listed may differ from the current ones.

Information is current as of the time of publication. Company names, service names, titles and other information are subject to change.

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