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  • Didn't you leave it? "Google account" may be deleted if not used --PHILE WEB

Didn't you leave it? "Google account" may be deleted if not used --PHILE WEB

Some of Google's services, which are taken care of by most PC / smartphone users, can be used without user registration such as WEB search, but accounts such as the mail service "Gmail" and "Google Drive" that saves files online. Most of them are used after creating. In particular, Gmail is used by many people because it can store a huge number of emails for free.

The "Google account" may be deleted if left unattended. The "Google account" may be deleted if left unattended. According to a new storage policy announced by Google the other day, “long-term unused users” who have not used Google services such as Gmail and Google Drive for more than 2 years, and conversely, “overuse” continues to exceed the specified storage capacity. The "user" will delete all data stored in that account after June 2023. If you haven't seen it for a long time but are having trouble using it, sign in with your target Google account. If you send and receive appropriate emails with Gmail or save appropriate files in Google Drive, the long-term unused state will be resolved for the time being. If you're a self-confessed overuse, start organizing your mailboxes and files now. As of March 2020, 15GB of storage is provided free of charge for each Google account, but we are trying to keep things organized in anticipation of two years from now. However, Google has announced that it will notify the target person by notification or email more than 3 months before the content is deleted. It's not too late, but it's wise to take early steps to ensure certainty.

放置してない?「Googleアカウント」、使わないと削除されるかも - PHILE WEB