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DeepWork Yokoi | Aiming to automate and efficient payment systems between companies |

Compatible with the revision of the Electronic Book Preservation Law!Released a system that allows you to save national tax documents electrons

DeepWork offers an automation of inefficient analog operations and provides automation services for storage and claiming business.

Through a system that supports the revision of the Electronic Book Preservation Law in January 2022, we aim to minimize social burden on tasks that do not create added value of storing documents.

Okubo, the representative of the founding notebook, heard about the business field of the Electronic Book Preservation Law and the career as an entrepreneur from an engineer.

横井 朗(よこい あきら)株式会社Deepwork 代表取締役 Chief Executive Officer1977年3月生まれ。東京工科大学卒業。2000年にエンジニアとしてのキャリアをスタート。2003年に株式会社ビーブレイクシステムズ(東証マザーズ上場)に参加し、業務システムの開発を担当。2015年には、株式会社クラビスに参加し、2016年より取締役・CTOに就任。この2社での経験を生かし、2019年に株式会社Deepworkを設立。企業間取引の自動化に取り組む。インタビュアー 大久保幸世創業手帳 株式会社 代表取締役大手ITベンチャー役員で、多くの起業家を見た中で「創業後に困ることが共通している」ことに気づき会社のガイドブック「創業手帳」を考案。現:創業手帳を創業。ユニークなビジネスモデルを成功させた。印刷版は累計200万部、月間のWEB訪問数は起業分野では日本一の100万人を超え、“起業コンシェルジェ“創業手帳アプリの開発や起業無料相談や、内閣府会社設立ワンストップ検討会の常任委員や大学での授業も行っている。毎日創業Tシャツの人としても話題に。創業手帳 代表取締役 大久保幸世のプロフィールはこちら

* In the "Founding Handbook" that writes this article, more fulfilling information is also explained in the thick "Founding Handbook / Printing Version".Please order it because you can get it for free.

Contents of this article

  • Independent after the introduction of business systems to app development
  • Services provided by DeepWork

    Okubo: First of all, please tell us what kind of service DeepWork offers.


    I am 44 years old now, but originally started my career as a software engineer, and was developed as an engineer in service development and business development.


    1."Invox electronic book saving".


    It was announced just before the transitional period (when it was recognized as unavoidable circumstances), but even if it is less than half a year until the amendment, it is not well known about the law revision and a good service that can be used at a low price.There was no.

    Therefore, in October 2021, we released "Invox Electronic Book Storage" that allows all national tax documents to be stored.

    2."INVOX receipt request form".

    Another INVOX reception invoice is a concept service that automates input, payment and upgrading from the invoice.

    If the only subject corresponding to the electronic book storage method is the only request for receipt, it is possible to support the electronic book storage method alone.

    Okubo: So, can you ask about the "Invox Electronic Book Saving" service that has become a hot topic in the revision of the law this time?

    Yokoi: First of all, the "national tax documents" handled by our Invox electronic book preservation service are available from the company issued by the company, such as invoices issued by the company, quotes, order forms, etc., and received from customers.These documents are applicable.

    With the revision of the Electronic Book Storage Act, you must review how to store these national tax documents received in PDF.


    In this way, all businesses need to consider some response to the unable to cover.


    Step 1 Work to import documents such as invoices within the "Invox electronic book storage" system.

    If documents arrive with electronic data such as PDF, it can be automatically imported in cooperation with email or Google Drive.

    On the other hand, if you want to support the documents received on paper to the scanning storage system, you can scan and import it into the "Invox electronic book storage" system. 

    Step 2 Documents captured can be converted by AI or input by our operator.By entering data by yourself, it is possible to introduce it with low cost.

    Step 3 The original, registration data, data change history, etc. of the data converted to data can be stored for up to 10 years in the form of the electronic book storage method.

    Yokoi: There are two types of plans that are currently being offered, "Minimum" and "Basic".

    The minimum is a plan for those who want to respond to the revision by reducing costs by self -input.

    Basic is a plan for those who want to prepare for the revision of the law while improving the efficiency of the operator input.

    In both plans, in addition to the file selection, it can be imported in various forms, such as incorporating from emails and chats, and cooperation with cloud storage.

    Regarding inputs, the minimum plan will be self -entered, and the basic plan allows you to input to the operator.

    The confirmation process (workflow) when the information is corrected is only a simple one -stage confirmation in the minimum plan, and in the basic plan, you can also set a full -fledged multi -stage confirmation.Data registered in our system can be output, and can be changed to other systems and operations that do not use systems.

    Okubo: Is the number of inquiries increasing due to the revision of the law?

    Yokoi: The service was released in October 2021, and in two months until December, about 2,000 companies, including large companies and SMEs, received inquiries from a total of 2,000 companies.


    Independent after the introduction of business systems to app development

    Okubo: How many employees are currently? 

    Yokoi: Currently about 30 people.About 15 people are engineers, about 5 customer success (sales) and 5 operations management, and there are several marketing, introduction, and several management departments.

    Okubo: Did Mr. Yokoi start a business as a chance to improve the accounting work or a chance to revise the law?

    Deepwork 横井 朗|企業間の決済システムの自動化・効率化を目指す | 起業・創業・資金調達の創業手帳

    Yokoi: When I talked about my career, I started my career as a so -called IT engineer in 2000, and I had been programming for about three years.

    Later, in the founding period of the Beebreak Systems, which was founded by seniors in high school, the company was developing a system used by relatively large companies, called the core business system (ERP).

    Here, we made a prototype, propose it to customers, and actually develop and introduce it if we could receive orders.

    It started with a part of the project management, and eventually it was a service that covers a wide range of tasks that can be called ERP.


    At that time, it was when iPhone and Android smartphones began to rise, but if you make an iPhone or Android app as a hobby and put it on the market, you can earn enough to live.It has become.

    So I left Beavorik Systems for 10 years.

    Okubo: Did you start a company called ARTI independently?

    Yokoi: Yes.But this is more like a corporation because I needed a corporation to put an app on a carrier market, rather than entrepreneurship.

    For the 10 years of working at the company, I was working hard, so I had time to relax and think about what to do.

    Beebreak Systems was a company made by members of the 20s at the time, and I also wanted to learn business systematically because I felt lack of knowledge of management, so Kenichi Omae sponsored by Kenichi Omae in 2014.I entered the business breakthrough college graduate school.

    While studying management at graduate school, I met Mr. Sudato, the founder of Krabis, and started helping Clubis.

    At that time, Klabis was a startup aiming to listen alone, but struggled with funding.

    Krababi had a business targeting the accounting firm industry, but it was very difficult for startups to expand their business on Web marketing in the industry with average age of 65.

    In this way, it was difficult to aim for a single listing alone, and in 2017 Krabis became a money forward group company.After that, I had been registered until I was fine, but I always thought that I would try again in a new environment.

    As a result of the approaching timing approaching and I wonder what the theme of the most impact in the world is, a claim between businesses that combines business systems that have been cultivated up to that and know -how that convert to non -type documents.We narrowed down the target for business automation.

    The revision of this electronic book book preservation method was something that came out later, so at first I was thinking about what to do to maximize my life.

    Okubo: Yokoi's characteristic is that you are from an engineer and have experienced various entrepreneurship? 

    Yokoi: Yes.I think the base has experience as an engineer.

    Furthermore, since the business is small, we have been looking at proposals to customers, the hearing of issues, concept design, and the life cycle of the business from the end of the system.I think it is.

    Okubo: In general, I think the proportion of the president from sales is a lot, but what if you had more skills and experiences as a president from an engineer?

    Yokoi: If you are from an engineer, I think the part that makes the service is strong.

    I think that it is easier for engineers to be more familiar with sales and customer needs than to understand the engineer from the business.

    I think that if you have experience as an engineer on the base and have sales and proposals, you will be an almighty player.

    Okubo: I think it is difficult to secure an engineer now, but are there any ideas around that?


    If you were originally an engineer at the forefront of Tokyo, if you return to the locals for family circumstances and work as an engineer, you will be subcontracted for the Near Shore Development or the work of old systems, so I feel unsatisfactory.There are many cases.

    I was grateful that I was just returning to the locals and had a job, but if I could work in full remote, there are many cases where I would like to try again.

    If you can work without being tied to time and place, your life will be richer.

    Okubo: I think that it has been fully remote since its inception, but please let me know if you have any tips to operate an organization in remote work.

    Yokoi: I have a sense of unity in remote work, and I try to provide value as a team.

    The first is to communicate properly.


    The second is that the work is not too subdivided.

    Marketing, inside sales, field sales, onboarding, customer support ... If you subdivide and divide your work, the efficiency will be improved in the short term, but what kind of value your work is for society.It is difficult to see if it is providing, and there is also a conflict between interests between organizations.

    By having a wide range of tasks in charge of as much as possible, and having contact with customers, all members understand the whole business and feel the value of their work.


    Okubo: What do you think about the Japanese engineer industry?

    Yokoi: Personally, I think the field of SaaS ( *) is very interesting.

    Originally, I was developing and introducing business systems, but I think that a big project would take up one company over a few years, and I wonder how many more companies could solve the problem between active duty.I was.* Abbreviation for SaaS "Software as a Service".Software as a service.



    Okubo: Please let us know if you have a business or marketing manager to work with engineers, or if you have any tips for raising the motivation of engineers. 

    Yokoi: It may be a good idea for engineers to increase the opportunity to interact with customers.

    Engineers are rare, and you can see the desire to focus on development, but in the long term, if the engineer understands the customer deeply, it will be a stronger organization.

    When you say directly from the customer or the customer is in trouble, the engineer wants to solve it.

    Sales, customer support, and engineers tend to have conflicts in any company, but if engineers can understand the customer, I think that they will have a sense of "a team that solves customer issues."

    Okubo: Please tell me the important points in the launch of the new service.


    Work on the minimum team to balance the growth speed of the organization while watching the service growth speed.If the service grows too much first, the cost will be insufficient, and if the organization grows too much, the cost will be high, but in my case, the cost will be reduced until the service grows first, and the organization will not increase.I am trying to do that.

    It is difficult until the organization catches up, but that is more creative, and people grow and have muscular tissue.

    Okubo: Finally, could you tell us about your future prospects?

    Yokoi: We are currently providing the service on the receiving of the invoice, but we are developing services on the issuing side that automates from issuing bills to deposits.

    We hope that both sole proprietors can use the price that can be easily used, automate both the issuance and receiving of the billing work, and will be able to open all businesses from the troublesome claimed analog work.

    創業手帳冊子版では、様々な分野での課題解決に取り組む起業家のインタビューを掲載しています。無料で配布していますので、ぜひ参考にしてみてください。関連記事Chatwork創業者(現:SEVEN) 山本 敏行|「起業家と投資家」「地方・東京・海外」「非上場・上場」の3つの軸で考えるスタートアップテックアイエス 植松 洋平|「オンライン化は正直嫌だった」そこから生まれた「5分以内に回答」の仕組みとは。このカテゴリでみんなが読んでいる記事1位起業家インタビューブライトン 伴 照代|日本にない「産後ケア施設」を作りたい! 元CA起業家のゼロイチ起業ストーリー2位起業家インタビューcotobox 五味 和泰|商標ってどんな権利?大企業じゃなくても取ったほうがいい? 弁理士起業家に聞いた3位起業家インタビュータイミー 小川 嶺|2年間で30億円超えの資金調達! 独占インタビュー