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Daihatsu Rocky / Toyota Rise [Developer Interview] To Affordable -WebCG

The 5th number compact SUV, Daihatsu Rocky / Toyota Rise, was released in November 2019.It has been a minor change after two years, but for Daihatsu, it is a model of a very transformation rather than a "minor".It is the first full -fledged hybrid car and has a new engine.We talked to Toshihiro Nakabo, an executive chief engineer who led the development, about the plan for the new model and the future of Daihatsu.

――In 1965, you started studying electric vehicles, but was the hybrid car in it?

Toshihiro Nakabo (hereinafter referred to as Nakabo): I've always been preparing for a hybrid, and I've been preparing for a long time.In 2005, we released a commercial vehicle "Hijet Cargo His Hybrid", which was a limited number.This time, we have developed a company with the company's company by putting a hybrid to the world.

――It's the first attempt, so there would have been a debate about what hybrid system to adopt.

ダイハツ・ロッキー/トヨタ・ライズ【開発者インタビュー】 電動化をアフォーダブルに - webCG

Nakabo: I thought about all possibilities, including mild hybrids.However, the meaning of using a hybrid system was to reduce the amount of CO2 emissions and improve fuel efficiency, so I thought I should do a full -fledged hybrid.

―― Because it belongs to the Toyota Group, it seems that it is quick to adopt the Toyota system.

Nakabo: Of course, Toyota's "THS II" was an excellent technology, and Daihatsu dispatched people to Toyota and taught me.After all it is important to learn from the predecessor.I think more than 50 people have been seconded five or six years ago.We are also conducting research on the series -style hybrids, and considering the light, small cars, and small displacement, we decided that the series would be better.

――When did you decide on the policy?

Nakabo: It's a long time ago.The development of a unit requires time.It takes four or five years.

1.2リッターエンジンをベースとしたハイブリッドシステムは「e-SMART HYBRID」と名づけられている。
2005年発売の「ダイハツ・ハイゼットカーゴ ハイブリッド」。駆動はエンジンが主体で、回生などで発電した電気で回すモーターがアシストする仕組みだった。(写真=ダイハツ工業)
<仲保俊弘さんプロフィール>1982年4月にトヨタ自動車に入社。実験部や製品企画部(チーフエンジニア)を歴任し、2017年1月にダイハツ工業に出向。車両性能開発部 部長(実験、CAE、材料、試験)を経て2018年7月にダイハツ工業に転籍。2020年1月より製品企画部Aセグメント車両のエグゼクティブチーフエンジニア(ロッキー、アイラ、ルーミーほか)を務めている。