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[Contribution] Interview with LINE Securities Front End Engineer, Ryota Suzuki, interviews a little earlier |

 Ryota Suzuki, who studied computer science at the University of Tokyo Faculty of Information Science and is currently a front -end engineer for LINE Securities.He talked about what he learned during his school days, his current work, and what he focused on in choosing a job.

──What kind of students were you in college?

 In the undergraduate school, he was a member of the Faculty of Science, and then went to the Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering and majored in computer science.Choosing the Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering has been due to programming lovers since elementary school.When I thought about what I wanted to study, I was most interested in programming, and I chose the Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering because I wanted to go to a place where I could study more computers.

 What I was working on in the graduate laboratory was a language processing system.Among them, a study of static analysis that discovered problems without performing a program was conducted, and a paper written in this area was adopted by an international conference and presented at the UK academic society.

 If you simply develop an application, you don't need that much knowledge, but when developing basic libraries and tools for creating applications, the language processing technology is very useful.I feel it from.In addition to writing programs, the knowledge of language processing is active when it is necessary to analyze and generate programs.In my business, I write my own linter plug -in and code generation programs.

──How did you find a job?

 I started job hunting from November to December of the third year of college.It was several web companies that entered.In the sense of IT, there are SIers who are good at developing large -scale systems and major manufacturers, and even seniors have found a job at such companies, but I focused only on Web -based companies.

 When I talked to my seniors, I was impressed that SIers and others were quite different.In the case of major SIers, etc., it is an image of slowly stepping on a step in order, while the web -based company has a high degree of freedom and seems to be able to do what he wants to do early.In addition, I remember that my seniors who got a job at a major company have not been able to do it because there are some parts of the organizational structure that are not flexible, so I felt that it didn't fit me.The evaluation system is also a part that I was worried about.As far as I can talk about, I feel that web -based companies have a flexible evaluation system for SIers, which have some salary tables determined by age and positions, and can be firmly evaluated for their skills and business skills as an engineer.I did it.

 I had the impression that LINE was promoting advanced initiatives in engineering.It was also a good impression that engineers were taking the initiative in blogging on blogs.The reason I finally chose LINE as a employment was that I felt that it would be appropriately evaluated as an engineer, and that the internal system, including welfare, was in place.As I joined the company, I felt again, but LINE has an internal system so that I can concentrate and work, so I don't feel any extra stress.This is one of the parts that I was glad to find a job on LINE.

 I actually joined LINE and thought that what I thought was wrong.For example, regarding the evaluation, I am properly evaluated for what I have worked on, and I can work with a sense of satisfaction.

──Please tell us about your current work content

 He works as a LINE Securities Front -end engineer, a smartphone investment service specializing in smartphones.Specifically, while providing stable services as a financial service, we are actively and independently working in teams, including me, to improve the usability of the service.

 One of the initiatives that we actually worked on is shortening the loading time when the user accesses LINE Securities.When using LINE Securities, you first send a program to the client side and execute it, but as the size of the program increases, it takes time to read and the user is waiting.Therefore, we made various ideas to make the program compact, and shortened the reading time.

 In the past, we have been working on type safety using TypeScript.TypeScript is a programming language that forms JavaScript, while others can be used as any type of value.In type safety initiatives, we called "Noimplicitany", a compilation option that errors an implicit Any type, to write an accurate type.

 However, LINE Securities actively provides new features and cannot stop their development.Therefore, it took more than a year to eliminate compilation errors by NOIMPLITANY, but I was very happy that I was able to complete it, and I felt that I had a valuable experience.

で す か Do you feel good or weak while working as an engineer?

【寄稿】少しでも早いサービスを LINE証券フロントエンドエンジニア・鈴木僚太さんインタビュー | 東大新聞オンライン

 We are good at working on technically difficult issues during development and deriving solutions.On the other hand, I felt that I was not good at changing the team's mind.

 However, LINE has the opportunity to not only extend the specialty, but also to challenge the area where you are not good at it.Furthermore, the impression is that what you can do, what you want to do, what you want to do as a company, and the balance between the lack of a company, and what you need to do.

 I myself talk about "I want to do this", and there are many opportunities to challenge what I want to do, so I think it is a workplace that leads to my own growth as an engineer.

──I joined LINE and if you have a different part from the image, please let me know.

 Because it is the development of LINE Securities, which is a financial service, it is often more cautious for risk than expected, and for example, releasing new features is being carried out.

 Regarding the recruitment of new technology, it is not adopted simply because it is advanced, and evaluates technology from various perspectives, such as the benefits, stability, and cost.It is an image of judging whether to do it and adopt it.

 Sometimes we select and propose technologies to be hired as engineers, but in that case, not only technical advantage, but also what kind of benefits can be obtained by adopting it.It is important whether it can be considered in a well -balanced manner, such as whether it has an impact.

で す It is also said that you are writing an engineering blog, but what is the intention?

 The main purpose is to communicate the activities of LINE Securities in the technical parts and their fun.We are sending out our work while we want many people to know.

 I also believe that transmitting to the outside is also a effort for the engineer himself.It will be a result of the external appearance, and it will also improve your name recognition as an engineer.In that respect, it is very grateful that media for transmitting outside is being operated, and you can have the article you wrote there.

Click here for the blog post written by Suzuki's team

──Are there any advice to those who are considering your career as a student now.

 Many people who aim to be engineers may like techniques but are troublesome.LINE is a very recommended company for such people.

 As I mentioned earlier, LINE has an environment where engineers can concentrate and work, so you can work without stress.In terms of technical aspects, LINE is very high, and I realize that it is a perfect company for those who value it.

 As an advice for those who are looking for job hunting, I want you to show your interest in technology or enthusiasm.Especially in companies like LINE, interest in technology is very important, so it would be nice to be actively communicated in interviews.I think it would be effective to use the technology to appeal to the services and products that were actually developed using the technology.

LINE Co., Ltd. New graduate recruitment site (technical position):

https: // linecorp.Com/JA/Career/NEWGRADS/ENGINEERING/

[Article correction] December 13, 2021 11:02 am the article title and lead statement "Front -end engineer" was revised to "Front -end engineer".