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  • Tag Heuer's automatic winding clock care.Trouble measures and care methods

Tag Heuer's automatic winding clock care.Trouble measures and care methods

Born in Switzerland, Tag Iuer is a luxury wristwatch brand with fans around the world, standing in a sporty and elegant appearance.Let me explain how to deal with the company's automatic winding clock for a long time and how to care.

Know the clock and drive system

In 1860, in Santimier, Switzerland, Edward -Iuer Watchmakers was founded by watch engineer Edward Heuer, Tag Heuer.

In its long history, Tag Heuer has been focusing on developing sport watches, such as stopwatches and chronographs.He has many rigid mechanical watches, as he emphasizes multifunctionality.

In order to make a deeper understanding of the maintenance method of Tag Heuer, which has the value of a lifetime watch, we want to deepen our understanding of the drive method.

Battery and mechanical

Let's explain the two driving methods to move the watch.

In modern watches, the most common is the "battery -style" and is also called quartz.It is a drive system that controls the time using the function of the crystal (quartz) as a driving force using the exhaust battery.

On the other hand, "mechanical" is often found in luxury watches for men.It is a method in which the clock is moved by the power that can be solved by the winding mainspring.

This mechanical type is further divided into two.It is a "hand -rolled" that winds up the mainspring by operating the ryuz, and an "automatic winding" that winds up by the movement of the arm at the time of installation.

Tag Heuer is mainly mechanical automatic winding

2020年、タグ・ホイヤーの旗艦コレクションである「カレラ」に新しく加わった「カレラ キャリバー ホイヤー02 スポーツクロノグラフ」には、約80時間のパワーリザーブを実現する、自動巻きキャリバー ホイヤー02を搭載。そのメカニカルなルックスは、シースルーバックから鑑賞できる。自動巻き(Cal.Heuer02)。33石。2万8800振動/時。パワーリザーブ約80時間。SS(直径44mm)。100m防水。67万6500円(税込み)。

The main drive system adopted by Tag Heuer is "mechanical automatic winding".It is based on the following reasons:

The hand -rolled in mechanical type is the most classic drive system compared to automatic winding and quartz.The structure is extremely simple than the latter two types that require a rotor and battery.


On the other hand, the sporty designs and functions required by Tag Heuer require robustness and high vibration that can withstand active movements.

If the hand -rolled type that is thinner and seeking elegant is "still", the design that Tag Heuer, who is mainly automatic winding, is the idea of "movement".The Tag Heuer is away from the hand -rolled method because the design approach is the opposite.

Accuracy of mechanical clock

Let's explain the mechanical type in more detail.The mainspring wound up by turning the ryez is generated by solving it and trying to restore it.By adjusting the power with a detached aircraft and a toning machine, the time is engraved at the correct interval.

Since batteries are driven by the physical action of only machine parts, it is undeniable that the error will inevitably increase compared to the battery type.

In the world of watches, there is a very high -level inspection standard called the "chronometer standard".It has passed this, which is said to have a delay within 4 seconds a day or within 6 seconds.

Causes of common troubles and actions

In some cases, the mechanical type that creates power by working and coordinating the parts that are accurately combined with each other may cause trouble.

Gain knowledge of the cause and deals so that you do not panic even if an important watch occurs.

The clock stops immediately

A phenomenon that is likely to occur in mechanical automatic winding is "insufficient driving power".This is mainly caused by the lack of maintenance of the mainspring.

The built -in rotor rotates depending on the arm swing when wearing it.The clock itself must move in order to keep up the mainspring by using the movement.

If the movement of the arm is small or often removed, the driving power will be insufficient.In such an environment, mechanical watches stop immediately.

How to wind Ryuzu

In the event of a lack of driving force, it is necessary to wind the ryez to generate power.

The power reserve of the automatic winding movement is generally 38 to 50 hours, so the clock will stop after this time.

To work again, manually turn the ryus about 30 to 40 and wind up the movement.This accumulates the power to operate the reserve function normally.

On the other hand, in the case of hand -rolled mechanical watches, it is necessary to turn the ryus regularly and wind it up.

However, it is important to note that applying excessive force to Ryuzu can damage the movement.

Date gap

Depending on the clock, there is a type whose calendar function is applied to the dial.It is an indispensable function for Tag Iuer, who is the mainstay of sports watches.

In rare cases, there are cases where the date does not change even after midnight, or the date has progressed just after 12:00 noon.In that case, it is necessary to operate the ryus linked to the calendar function to adjust the settings.

It is important to note that an automatic winding clock with "time when the calendar operation is prohibited".In this case, the date must be adjusted from 8:00 pm to 4:00 am.

In this time, the time display and the gear of each calendar plate are engaged, and the date is changing with the power of the watch.If you try to change it during this time, it may lead to damage, such as lacking gears.