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Can the car holder and the loan contractor be different?Points to note about the name and the scope of insurance

The car has two names, the owner and the user.It is important to note that if this name is different from the name of the loan contractor, various problems may occur.Therefore, I will explain in detail the cases where the car holder and the loan contractor are different, and the points to note when it is different.

[Points of this article] ✔ There are two types of car holders: owner and user. ✔ Car holders and loan contractors may be different.Cur lease is convenient

What is a car holder?Differences between owners and users

In the first place, a holder is a word that means "person with right" or "legal owner".If you are a car holder, it mainly refers to the owner of the car.However, the car verification also describes the name of the car user in conjunction with the owner.

Here, I will explain in detail how each is different.

What is the owner?

The owner is the person who owns the car.For example, when you say, "This is A's pen," the owner of the pen is Mr. A.The same is true for cars, but there is a difference that the owner is specified in the vehicle verification.If you want to know the name of your car, check the car verification.

The owner has legal ownership about cars.Therefore, you can sell it at your favorite timing or scrap it.

What is the user?

The user is the person who actually uses the car, and the obligation to pay the car tax will be the user.However, if you are in a car lease, the name of the car user will be the lease contractor, but you do not need to pay.The lease fee for the car lease also includes taxes, so the lease company will pay the tax.

Precautions when the owner and the user are different

Even if the owner is different from the user, there is basically no inconvenience when using a car.Even if the owner is a car of another person or the name of the user, you can use the car whenever you want, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, in the garage at home.

However, cars whose owners are not in their own name cannot be sold in principle.If the owner is a loan company, it is necessary to first pay off the loan and change the owner's name to yourself.

In addition, a car whose owner of the owner is under the name of a relative can be sold if the power of attorney is obtained with the consent of the person.

Car loan contractor = holder?

Whether a loan is purchased with a loan and whether the loan contractor and the holder will be the same depends on the status of each person and the loan used.

However, basically, it is often the following.


Dealer loans often lend money with cars as collateral, in this case, the owner becomes a credit company.On the other hand, the user is basically the same as the loan contractor if there is no special reason.

However, the loan contractor and the user do not always match.In the next paragraph, we will explain the case where the loan contractor and the user are different.

Case where car loan contractors and users are different

Car loan contractors and users are basically the same, but they may be different due to circumstances.Here are three cases and explanations.

1.Parents make a loan and use by children

If your child is still a student, there are cases where parents buy a car with a loan and use the car.

In the first place, it is not unusual for families to share a car.It is common that "the father is a car whose father forms a car loan and the user is also a father, but the main thing is children."

However, in such a case, if the child is a user, the child will be obliged to pay taxes and the obligation to receive a vehicle inspection.If you say, "I will help you pay for the purchase, but you will pay the maintenance costs, there is no problem with the user as a child, but if not, you do not need to dare to use the user.Yes.

However, if you give a car to your child, a gift tax may be incurred.Be careful, especially when you have a highly expensive own right to own a new car.In such a case, let's deal with it as follows.

If you buy a car to your child, it will be considered a gift even between families.Don't move the owner easily.

2.Buy a car with a couple

Unfortunately, you can't buy a couple, saying, "two loan contractors and one car is one."

First of all, in principle, car loans cannot be assembled by two people.Either is a loan contractor and the other can be a joint guarantor, but the procedure is complicated.

On top of that, it is not impossible for one of the couples to make a loan contract and become the other user.However, in the first place, the couple is basically one livelihood, so it is simple for either to make a loan contract and the same person becomes the user.If you don't have any special circumstances, it's better to have one name.

3.Children will make a loan instead of parents

If you are in a blacklist, you will not be able to borrow money without passing the car loan screening.Therefore, there are cases where children etc. will make a loan instead.

However, such a name lending is an act against the law.Receiving money as a "thank you for your loan" can be a sin.Even if your parents say, "I'll do repayment," let's refuse.

Click here for a reasonable way to get on a new car without a loan


Precautions when the car loan contractor is different from the user

Car users are required to have multiple obligations.This is also the case when the car loan contractor is different from the user, and it is important to note the following:


Car users must pay a car tax (type discount) once a year.If you can't pay or forget to pay, you will get an arrears.


Without a garage certificate, you cannot buy a car.Since the garage certificate is taken by the user, you will basically need to do your own procedure.Keep in mind that your family can do it, but the application form must be written by the user.


The user must also take the vehicle inspection responsibly.Note that the user is obliged to pay for the expenses for vehicle inspection and the liability insurance premiums that are often paid at the time of vehicle inspection.

Automobile insurance if the name of the car is another person

There are two types of car insurance: liability insurance and voluntary insurance.Liability insurance is the same as the owner because of the insurance that the car owner has to join.However, if the holder is a credit company in a dealer loan, the user will take out the liability insurance.

On the other hand, voluntary insurance does not necessarily mean that the owner will be a policyholder.Know the insurance conditions and applicable range.

Does the owner have voluntary insurance even in a car other than himself?

Even if the owner is a car other than yourself, it is basically possible to get voluntary insurance.However, there are cases where it cannot be entered depending on the name.The following is a list of car owner names and voluntary insurance.


If the owner is a parent or child, you can basically join.However, parents and children who do not live in the same house may not be able to join.For more information, check with the insurance company that handles voluntary insurance that you want to join.

In addition, friends and acquaintances are regarded as others.Even if you rent a car from a friend, you cannot get any insurance.

Automobile insurance applicable range

There are types of car insurance insured persons, such as "only for the person", "the person and the spouse only", and "Family".You can use insurance other than the holder, as long as the insured person is within the scope of the insured.

For example, if the scope of the insured is "family", the following person will be covered by the following person.

Note that relatives who live together or friends living together are not included in the insured.

On the other hand, if you have a car insurance with a "other car driving risk compensation agreement", you can receive compensation when driving another person's car.If you drive a car in the name of another person, use such a special contract.In addition, it is necessary to check the terms of compensation for each insurance company.

Otherwise, you will have to take out insurance for one day or have the owner take out car insurance that does not limit the driver.

Advantages and disadvantages of buying a car with a loan

In the first place, if you do not buy a car with a loan, the car holder and the loan contractor will not be different, but if you buy a car with a loan, you will understand the merits and disadvantages in advance and be careful.You need to consider it.The advantages and disadvantages of purchasing a car with a loan are as follows.

Benefits of buying a car with a loan

The biggest advantage of buying a car with a loan is that you can buy a car without a large amount of money.

A cars are expensive for hundreds of thousands to millions of yen for used cars, and in the case of new cars, it is even higher, and most of the time it costs more than 1 million yen.Even those who have difficulty paying such a large amount of money can get into the car with a loan.

However, if it is difficult to become a loan contractor, you must consider another method.As mentioned above, it is common to rent a car purchased by a family.

Disadvantage of buying a car with a loan

The disadvantages of buying a car with a loan are:

Also, if you make a loan, you can buy a car without a large fund, but you need to prepare a down payment or pay various taxes and insurance premiums separately from monthly repayment.You have to be prepared for the expense.It is necessary to carefully consider after purchasing so that you do not regret purchasing a car with a loan easily.

Car lease if you get in a car without a loan

You may want to get in a car, but you don't want to make a loan, or you may not be able to form on a variety of problems.In such a case, consider car leasing that can be used only for a fixed monthly fee without a loan.

Benefits of car leasing

Cur leasing is a service in which a car leasing company purchases a new car you have chosen and pays a fixed monthly fee to rent the car.The main benefits of car leases are as follows.

Car leasing does not borrow money, so there is no need for a loan contract procedure, and there is no need to prepare initial costs such as down payments.In addition, since various taxes, liability insurance, car registration costs, etc. are all included in the monthly fixed rate, it is also attractive that you can unify various costs on cars.

The name of the car lease

If you are in a car lease, the name is as follows.

Owner: Lease Company user: himself (Cur leasing contractor)

Just as if you buy a car with a loan, the owner is other than you, but the user can be your name.However, unlike a loan, the lease company will pay taxes and liability insurance premiums, so you can save your car life without any hassle.

Insurance for car leasing

Insurance when riding a car in a car lease is handled by liability insurance and voluntary insurance.

First of all, it is common for a lease company to take out the liability insurance.Since the lease company pays insurance premiums, there is no need to pay or continue the car while leasing the car.

On the other hand, voluntary insurance is just an option, so if you rent a car, you will join if you wish.You are free to see which insurance to take out, but you can also have a lease company introduced.

Cur lease is the cheapest in Japan*Standable Calmo -kun is recommended

If you use a car leasing to get in a car, we recommend the cheapest in Japan*"Charmo -kun for your own car".Here, we will introduce four points of the flat -rate Calmo -kun.

* Among the Japan Automotive Lease Association Allied Federation, the monthly fee is the best in Japan in the service that leases new cars to individuals with completely fixed amount (no down payment, no bonus payment, closed end contract).Low price (July 13, 2021, survey of Stellaasocier Co., Ltd.)

Completed procedure at home from quote to delivery

The estimate and application of the flat -rate Calmo -kun can be easily done from the Internet, so it does not take time.

For example, if you want to know the monthly fee of a car you want to borrow, you can see the automatic calculation result by simply selecting a model, grade, or option from the flat -rate Calo -kun site.You don't have to put personal information, so you can easily check the quotes of various cars.

In addition, there is no need to go to the store to get the car even when delivered.The dealer will deliver a new car to his home or designated location, so even busy people can start riding the car without any hassle.

Can be selected from all domestic models and all grades

The flat -rate Calmo -kun is also characterized by a wide range of models, so you can choose your favorite new car from all models and all grades of domestic manufacturers.The great advantage is that you can freely choose your favorite car, just like buying a new car, rather than choosing a car you want to ride from a limited option.

In addition, colors and options can be selected.You don't have to endure the desired specifications just because it's a car lease.You and your family can ride the car you want to ride.

If you can get a car, you can be a private car

The flat -rate Calmo -kun has an optional service called "Options you can get" to get a car after the contract period expires (for more than 7 years, contracts for more than 7 years).Car leasing is a way to lease the car, but if you use a flat -rate Carmo -kun's "Options you can get", you can get a car without a loan.

The "option you can get" is affordable at 500 yen per month, and there is no additional cost at the end of the contract period.In addition, if you want to change when the contract period is expired, you can choose not to get it.

Click here if you want to know more about "Options you get"

Safe application by trial examination

To apply for a car leasing, a leasing company requires a review of the leasing company, but if you are a flat -rate Calmo -kun, you can get a "trial screening" that you can try in advance whether it will pass the examination.

In the trial screening, select the type of car closest to the desired car from some options.Just because you use a trial examination doesn't mean you have to sign a contract, so let's check it out casually.

The holder of the car and the loan contractor should basically be the same

If the car holder and the loan contractor are different, there are some points to note, such as not being able to sell a car until you pay off the loan.Also, if you buy a car with a loan, you need to pay a down payment or bonus payment, so you must be prepared for a reasonable expense.

In that regard, if you are a car leasing, you can ride a new car you like with just a monthly fixed rate.If you are a flat -rate Calmo -kun, you can make a fixed amount of vehicle inspection and regular maintenance costs by joining the maintenance plan, so you can cover most of the costs on the car only at the monthly fee.If you want to get in a car with a low effort and burden, please consider it.

Click here if you want to know more about the maintenance plan

* By March 15, 2022, you have applied from this link page and then have a contract (the contract date is possible after the period).

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Is there a difference between the car holder and the loan contractor?

A: The car holder and the loan contractor are basically the same.However, if you use a dealer loan, the owner will be in the name of a credit company or dealer.

Q2: If the car holder is not yourself, do you have car insurance?

A: Liability insurance is basically the same as the owner because the owner of the car must join.However, if the holder is a credit company in a dealer loan, the user will take out the liability insurance.On the other hand, voluntary insurance is often enrolled by those who are different from the holder of the car.However, in the case of parents who do not live together or cars in the name of a child, they may be refused.Check with the insurance company for details.

Q3: Is there a way to get in a car without a loan?

A: If you get in a car without a loan, it is convenient to be able to ride a car at a fixed monthly fee.The flat -rate Calmo -kun can receive a "trial screening" that allows you to check the results of the examination in advance, so it is safe for those who are uneasy to pass the screening.In addition, if you attach a 500 yen option per month, you can get a car after the contract period expires.

* The content of the article is produced with information as of October 2021.
