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  • [Can be done in 3 minutes] Hulu cancellation method / timing?Recommended transfer destinations are also introduced!

[Can be done in 3 minutes] Hulu cancellation method / timing?Recommended transfer destinations are also introduced!

Hulu is easily made so that it can be canceled in 3 minutes.

However, be aware that if Hulu is not canceled correctly, even if you do not use the service, you may pay the next month.

This article explains troubles and frequently asked questions to be aware of when you actually cancel.

In addition, we will introduce the transfer destination after cancellation, so please refer to it.

  1. Timing of paid plan cancellation
  2. [Can be done in 3 minutes] Introducing the cancellation procedure of Hulu
  3. Three ways to check if you have canceled
  4. Thorough comparison of recommended transfer destinations from Hulu
  5. Frequently Asked Questions | Introducing troubles related to cancellation
  6. summary

Timing of paid plan cancellation

The timing when Hulu is canceled is the closing date of the next usage fee (the day before the billing).

In other words, Hulu's paid plans can keep watching videos until they are canceled.

For example, if you cancel on November 1, you can watch Hulu until November 25 if the billing date is November 26.

Also, in a paid plan, the price will be charged in full instead of a date at any time, so it can be said that canceling at any time will not be lost.

If you do not know the usage fee closing date, you can log in to Hulu and confirm from "account information".


[Can be done in 3 minutes] Introducing the cancellation procedure of Hulu

Here are 7 patterns of Hulu cancellation procedure.

Let's take a closer look.

Canceled from Hulu website

  1. ChromeやSafariなどのブラウザからHuluのWebサイトに移動
  2. 「ログインID」「パスワード」を入力してログイン
  3. ホーム画面の右上の顔のアイコンを選択
  4. 「アカウント」を選択
  5. サービスのご利用状況のページから「解約する」を選択
  6. 再度契約の確認のページに飛ぶ
  7. 「解約ステップを進める」を選択
  8. アンケートのページに飛ぶ
  9. 「解約をする」を選択する

This method is a cancellation method that can be used for PCs, smartphones and tablets.

Cancellation from App Store (for iPhone users)

Here, we will explain how to operate from iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

  1. App Storeのアプリを開く
  2. 右上の人型をタップ
  3. アカウントの「サブスクリプション」を選択
  4. 「Hulu」をタップし「サブスクリプションをキャンセル」を選択

In the case of iTunes Store payment, you can continue watching videos even if you suspend subscription during the free trial period.You can watch it until the day after the expected end date, so please check from the iTunes Store.

Canceled from Android app

The way to cancel from the Android app is as follows.

  1. アプリホーム画面の右下にある歯車をタップ
  2. 「アカウント設定」を選択
  3. 「サービスのご利用状況」から解約をタップ

Canceled from Amazon app payment

The way to cancel from the Amazon app payment is as follows.This time, I will explain the method from a personal computer.

  1. パソコンで「Amazon」にログイン
  2. 画面右上の「アカウント&リスト」を選択
  3. 「アプリライブラリと端末の管理」を選択
  4. 管理の中にある「定期購読」を選択
  5. Huluアイコンの右に表示される「アクション」を選択
  6. 「自動更新をオフにする」を選択
  7. ポップアップで表示される「自動更新をオフにする」を選択
  8. ポップアップ内に表示されている「自動更新をオフにする」を選択
  9. 「定期購読の自動更新はオフになっています」の表示が出る

If you want to cancel from your smartphone, select "Amazon PC Site" at the bottom of the screen and select "Account".

Canceled from an external service site

The external services that cannot be canceled from the Hulu official website are as follows.

If Hulu is registered from the above external services, the cancellation method differs for each service.


Check the detailed cancellation method at the Hulu Help Center or contact the operator of each service.

Cancellation from the phone

The contact information when canceling from the phone is as follows.

Landline phones are free dial, so there is no calling fee, but you need to be careful because your mobile phone is charged.Operate according to the customer support guidance.

It is open all year round except January 1, and the reception time is from 10:00 to 18:30.

Cancel from inquiry email

I will explain how to cancel from your inquiry email.

  1. タブから「ヘルプセンター」を選択
  2. Huluヘルプセンターに飛ぶ
  3. スクロールして「お問い合わせ」を選択
  4. 「メールでのお問い合わせ」をタップ
  5. Eメールアドレス・氏名・カテゴリーを選択
  6. 件名とお問い合わせ内容に解約の旨を記載しメールを送信
  7. カテゴリーは「解約について」を選択
  8. メール送信後、即自動返信のメールが配信される

Three ways to check if you have canceled

Hulu has three ways to confirm that you can cancel.

If you have not been canceled, the fee for the next month will be deducted without knowing it.Let's check the method.

Check the e -mail of the cancellation procedure completed

If you cancel Hulu, you will receive a cancellation completion notification to the registered email address.It will arrive immediately after cancellation, but depending on the communication environment, you may get a few minutes of time lag.

If it still doesn't reach, it may be sorted to spam.Check the spam mail box and cancel if it has arrived.

Check the display of "The contract has ended"

If the cancellation is successful, the Hulu account will be displayed as "The contract has ended."Since a time lag may appear, it is recommended to check after a while from the procedure.

If the display is not displayed, the cancellation procedure may not be completed correctly.You can log in with the previously used "email address" and "password", so please proceed with the cancellation procedure from the beginning.

Check if you can watch the video

If you cancel Hulu during the free trial period, you will not be able to watch videos on the same day.If you can watch the video, you can not complete the procedure, so please try the cancellation procedure from the beginning.

However, if you are a paid member, you need to be careful because you can continue to watch videos until the date of closing (the day before the billing date) even after cancellation.

If you can watch the video even after the closing date of the usage fee (the day before the billing date), you have failed to cancel, so let's do the procedure again.

Hulu has some videos that can be viewed for free.When confirming, please select a paid video and check it.

Thorough comparison of recommended transfer destinations from Hulu


* The price is tax included * As of January 2022 * 1 Estimated number.There is no official announcement in the public.

Compared five major VOD services, including Hulu.Let's refer to the transfer destination after cancellation of Hulu.

The following explains the characteristics and benefits of the service, and those who can recommend it.

"Netflix" to see the topical original work

※1 非公開のため推定本数、ジャンル別は不明

Netflix is a service that allows you to watch original dramas, movies, and documentaries.One of the popular reasons is that the function is simple and the screen operation is easy.


"U-NEXT" to watch the latest movies and dramas


* The price is tax included * As of January 2022

U-NEXT is the most unlimited number of all-you-can-watch services of video distribution services.There are 220,000 unlimited works, and you can watch 20,000 rental works.

You can watch the latest movies that have just been released to the theater, and you can also watch the latest works such as drama and animation on TV broadcasting.


Recommended for students "Amazon Prime Video"

プライム特典・無料の配送特典・特別取扱商品の取扱手数料が無料・Prime Videoチャンネル・Prime Music・Amazon Photos・Amazonフレッシュ・プライム・ワードローブ・プライム会員限定先行タイムセール・Prime Reading・Amazon Music Unlimited・Amazonファミリー特典・Prime Gaming・家族と一緒に使い放題・プライム限定価格

* The price is tax included * As of January 2022 * 1 Estimated number.There is no official announcement in the public.

For students, we recommend Amazon Prime Video, which applies to student discounts.The free trial period is 6 months, and it can be used for 250 yen (tax included) per month.

Normally, it can be used for an annual plan of 4,900 yen and a monthly plan of 500 yen.


"DTV" to reduce the monthly fee


* The price is tax included * As of January 2022

If you want to switch from Hulu to a cheaper monthly fee service, DTV is recommended.You can enjoy more than 120,000 works for 550 yen per month (excluding tax).There is a free trial period for 31 days, so you can compare it carefully.

In addition, if you register a DTV and DTV channel as a set, you can use it for 1,078 yen (tax included) per month.330 yen is more advantageous than individual contracts.

In addition, the set fee for DAZN and DTV can be used at 2,255 yen (tax included) per month for 220 yen.D points can also be used, so it is recommended for those who are looking for usage.


Frequently Asked Questions | Introducing troubles related to cancellation

Hulu's frequently asked questions and troubles are as follows.

Here, we will explain frequently asked questions and troubles regarding cancellation.

When the cancellation button doesn't come out?

If there is no cancellation button, it may be in the following state.

First, there is no cancellation button on the iPhone iOS app.You need to access Chrome, Safari, etc. and cancel from the website.

If "Re -contract" is displayed, it is already canceled.

If there is no display, check the profile selection screen.If you select a kids profile, the cancellation button will not come out.You need to return to the profile selection screen again and select an adult profile.

Why can you watch videos after canceling?

Hulu can keep watching videos even if you cancel in the middle of the moon.

The timing of cancellation processing is the closing date of the next usage fee (the day before the billing), so you can watch videos until then.

However, in the case of a free trial period, be careful as it will not be available on the day you cancel.

When the display appears, "You can't edit payment information because it is currently under payment processing?"

When it comes to the billing date, payment processing is automatically performed on the system and "payment information cannot be edited because it is currently under payment processing".The dates and time when the procedure can be performed will be displayed in the display, so let's do the procedure after the specified date.

After the settlement date, a one -month fee will be charged, so it is recommended to cancel with plenty of time.

How to completely delete a Hulu account?

Just by canceling the viewing contract, Hulu still has account information.By contacting Hulu, you can completely delete your account information and unsubscribe.

  1. Huluのサイトにアクセスし、ヘルプを選択
  2. ヘルプページ最下部にある「お問い合わせ」ボタンをタップ
  3. 「お問い合わせ内容」にアカウント情報を削除したい旨を記載
  4. 「入力の確認」をタップ


The timing when Hulu is canceled is the closing date of the next usage fee (the day before the billing).

If you do not cancel in the correct way, you will be charged for the next month.

After canceling, make sure that processing is correct.
