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  • Broadcasting writer Takeshi Takemura, "Takayuki Yamada's brain" aims at the opposite side "When everyone is facing the same direction" (1) -The voice of TV (60) | Mynavi News Mynavi News Mynavi

Broadcasting writer Takeshi Takemura, "Takayuki Yamada's brain" aims at the opposite side "When everyone is facing the same direction" (1) -The voice of TV (60) | Mynavi News Mynavi News Mynavi

竹村武司1978年生まれ、東京都出身。01年に立教大学卒業後、広告代理店を経て、放送作家の道へ。『山田孝之の東京都北区赤羽』『山田孝之のカンヌ映画祭』『緊急生放送!山田孝之の元気を送るテレビ』(テレビ東京)、『植物に学ぶ生存戦略 話す人・山田孝之』『光秀のスマホ』(NHK)といった山田孝之の出演作品や、『サ道』(テレビ東京)、『キッチン戦隊クックルン』(NHK)、『がんばれ!TEAM NACS』(WOWOW)、『BAZOOKA!!!』(BSスカパー!)などを手掛ける。現在は、『魔改造の夜』(NHK)、『タモリ倶楽部』『くりぃむクイズ ミラクル9』 (テレビ朝日)、『7つの海を楽しもう!世界さまぁ~リゾート』(TBS)、『痛快TV スカッとジャパン』『新しいカギ』(フジテレビ)、『ダウンタウンDX』(読売テレビ)、『暗黒家族 ワラビさん』(smash.) Is in charge.From October, the drama "Kinnikuman THE LOST LEGEND" (WOWOW), which is in charge of the composition, will start.

――Ryosuke Hamada of TBS, who appeared last time in this series, said about Takemura, “The most multi -writer.There are a wide range of programs I am doing, and the plan to come out for my homework (= planning) is incredibly interesting. It's a fashionable and fashionable, but I like it when I have a meeting, and I like it. "I was.

Thank you.Then call me more to the program (laughs).When I entered "Flame Gymnasium TV" with Mr. Hamada, I think this is the first time.The bad mouth is that Mr. Hamada likes such people, so I can't help it (laughs).The broadcast writer is a "director of the director", so it is a mirror of that person.

――It became a broadcast writer because you met a senior writer Naoto Tanaka, right?

I was thinking about advertising in magazines during the business era of an advertising agency, and the editor of the magazine was originally a manager of George.When I talked about wanting to be a broadcast writer in a chat, I was introduced to Naoto Tanaka.At that time, Mr. Tanaka was told by a chief writer of "The! Astro! DASH !!"The correction drinking party is my starting point as a broadcast writer.

What I still can't forget is that "who makes the coldest cold" has been launched.If you come to such a meeting now, you will be told, "Takemura is over," but Tanaka -san doesn't even deny it.He said, "If you have a cold, you'll get a runny nose?Without rejecting it without a head, he did the rally of the idea, "Isn't this more TV -like?"I experienced the professional work in the front row, and I thought more and more, "I want to be a broadcast writer! I want to be such a person!"

―― How old is that?

25 years old.I went out to the company as it was and lied to the meeting of "Astro DASH", and I went out once a week, and even put out the story.There is a young guy wearing a suit that does not understand one reason at the meeting, and it is an unusual situation (laughs).I think I did it myself.I didn't think I could really become a broadcast writer just by going out with meha.But when I was a company employee, only one story passed.When it becomes unbearable, water becomes a polka dot.Planning to see if the fish can live.When I went to the meeting for about six months, I told me, "If you are motivated, I'll put it as a writer."

--the next day!?

The moment I left Kojimachi Nippon Television, I called the director of the time and told me that I had a consultation tomorrow morning.The producer of the production company in "Astro Boy DASH" said, "I quit well, is it hard?"The director, Hidego Oka, was asked.In the middle of the Golden, the program in the middle of the middle and the entertainer and the entertainer will make a contest.It is great to be able to experience these two from the beginning.

放送作家・竹村武司氏、“山田孝之の頭脳”が狙う逆サイド「全員が同じ方向を向いているときこそ」 (1) - テレビ屋の声(60) | マイナビニュース マイナビニュース マイナビ

――When did you be aware of the profession of a broadcast writer in the first place?

That's the "Broadcasting Writer Preparatory School" of "(Genius / Takeshi no) Energetic TV !!" (Nippon Television).I first learned that there is such a profession.I was born in 1978, so I saw all the golden in that era, such as Drif, Katoken, Tunnels, Unnan, Downtown, but I never thought that I could make it because it was too glittering, too glittering.However, I saw the program of Fuji TV's midnight "JOCX-TV2" program at that time and thought, "This is it!"When I was in the upper grades of elementary school, I suffered from a “minor cool disease”, so I think that symptoms appeared.After all, I've been stuck all the time.But when I actually entered the TV world, it was a good idea that there was only such a program at that time in that era (laughs).

So the only program I want to do is the tribute to the late -night program of Fuji TV at that time. "Learn for Plants" (NHK E -Tele) is "Kanosa's humiliation", and "Bazooka !!!" (BS SKY PerfecTV!) Is "Cult Q", and Fuji at that time. I feel like I'm inheriting the late night on TV, even though no one has been asked. I especially like the program called "IQ Engine". It's a quiz program, but there's no studio, no MC, no answerer, it's a super avant -garde package. At that time, I was an elementary school student, recorded it on a video every time, took it to the school, and showed everyone in the class during lunch time (laughs). Everyone was so fucked and watched together among the buses on the excursion. I still want to do that remake as that ism. At that time, the actors of the "Third Stage" were out, so if you are now, you will be able to get a good remake by having "Theater Company Nakago" or "Tennis Court".

――What was the job that turned into a turning point as a broadcast writer?

That's definitely the All Japan Call Championship. This is a planned DVD made from four teams, Director Hideo Oka, Akihiro Shishikura, and writer Masato Hori. Oka Mune said, "Isn't" at a glance "interesting?" I was in a charming circle at college, and I was a caller with a call (laughs). I wasn't sure because I was a player at the time, but when I looked at it objectively, it was a lot of tonma. At first, I was talking about how to do a course or a catalog, but it was, "Isn't it interesting if you confront it?" I can't do it now, but the frontage is narrow, it's dangerous, but it's ridiculous, and it's a work that I wanted to do this.

What I learned in the All Japan Call Championship is that if you make any silly things, you will start youth without permission (laughs).At first, I didn't intend to do that, but the team that lost with a call at once was crying on the back.I thought, "Turn the camera!" (Laughs).So I still love programs that adults really do things that can't be helped.That leads to the "Magical Remodeling Night" (NHK BS Premium), but it was a connection from "All Japan Call Championship" that Yano (Take) did the live commentary in "Magic Remodeling Night".

――Hamada -san also mentioned, but the genre of the programs you work on is wide.

This is all because of the offer, so I'm grateful to receive everything.There has been no moderation for a long time.I forgot the moderation in her mother's stomach (laughs).I like quiz programs, I like information programs, and I don't have a bad genre.Since it is not calm, it is better to go right and left to the sex.Of course, it's not just the job you want to do, but a job you are not interested in will burn.Isn't it fun not to know?Even if you are not interested, there is one place where one will come somewhere, so I really like finding it.It's "Exciting".

――You are also playing children's programs.

I was invited to write an animation script in a children's cooking program called "Somede! Kitchen Sentai Cookrun" (NHK E -Tele).It was the first time both children's programs and anime scriptwriters, so the pressure when the script for the first episode was issued to the conference was exaggerated.Children's program may be the most difficult.I am still a former child, but I still don't know exactly why my child is happy.So I give up selling an aphrodisiac to a child, and try to do what the child does not know (laughs).If you don't know, you can ask your parents, and now you can easily find out.

Not only children's programs, but it is easy to explain to make it easier to understand, but I like to insert something that is meaningless.Like "Akabane, Kita -ku, Tokyo" (TV Tokyo), which I did with Takayuki Yamada, I like making it unkind and confusing viewers.I think it's a pleasant criminal temperament.