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  • The origin of Mobile is Motorola, which was also used by Sougaku Sanders.

The origin of Mobile is Motorola, which was also used by Sougaku Sanders.

Goods that love my Motorola collection and brickphones.Did you get a plastic toy phone from Yoichi Kogure, a mobile collector?

Radio rather than Broning Rifle than Thompson Machine Gun!

 Once upon a time, I was making a magazine that I was making with the "Tokyo Adult Club" that I made (I think most people don't know, so I can google as appropriate).The phantom No. 6 that was not published because he joined ASCII is "Combat!] I was preparing for a special feature.

 "Combat!] Is a TV drama of a war that was broadcast on ABC in the United States in the 1960s, which became a popular program in Japan.It is said that the hint was made as a hint, and it is said that it will eventually become a so -called "squadron mono" after "Science Ninja Corps Gatchaman"."Power Ranger" was the return of the U.S. Marine Corps.It is a very important television program in terms of considering cool Japan content.

 I often talk about Sougaku Sanders, and in my book "Modern Programmers' Evening 2", I wrote in detail in the title "Why does Sergeant Sanders hit a bullet?"July issue).Why are you talking about war dramas right now and even in Japan, in Japan, in Japan, but in the 1960s, US war drama was broadcast on Japanese TV?When quoted from a modern programmer, it is written as follows.

 《。 In addition to “Combat”, the American war drama broadcast in Japan will be considerable, such as “Galantomen” and “Rat Patrol” broadcast at the same time. "Galanto Men" was a sober setting, as the main character was based on the true story of the Italian front, while the "Rat Patrol" broadcast a few years later was set on the North Africa front. It was super easy, the war was a sport, and he wasn't thinking at all. A little strange, I personally liked the "my pace second -class soldiers", which later became "Ium First Soldier", personally, and this is not a war drama, but military education. The motto Westfield's "Totsugi! McKee Bar", set in a young school school, was a pretty good taste. 》

 By the way, while watching this war drama, while being an elementary school student, is this one of the points of this drama?The idea of Sergeant Sanders and Captain Henry, a platoon, led by the squad.Sergeant Sanders has been injured in the North Africa and injured on the Italian front, so to speak, one of his younger brothers is missing in the Jungle of the Pacific Front.On the other hand, Captain Henry is an elite setting.It was a communication device that appeared in this scene that symbolizes his relationship with his boss.

 In the first time, when the Sunders squadron going in the forest, proceed while pulling the wire using a guy like a hose rolling machine used when sowing water in the garden.Then, take out something like a black -phone receiver from a back sacred radio and a black phone receiver.This turned into a radio (Walkie-Talkie), which would be 50 cm long.The password is "Checkmate King Two, here, white rock, please".This was a shocking coolness for Japanese children in the 1950s!


In the middle of the 1990s, the out -of -season Brickphone International 3300

 Motorola was originally an automotive audio company, but once mentioned in this column that he had created a military radio system."The advertisement of the US scientific magazine in the beginning of the Apollo Plan has been so much fun," was an advertisement from the mobile communication base bureau called AN / MRC-66.Nothing, my brand lover, "Combat!Is it starting from?That said, the company will become the leader of car telephones and mobile phones as a peaceful use of this technology.

 In 1973, it is too famous for the first demonstration of handy mobile phones in the recipient -integrated type.In 1983, the product version of "Dynatac" was released.Although it can be held with one hand, this early mobile phone is called "brick (brick) phon" in Europe and the United States.

 The 26th time of the block de gadget is the International 3300 brickphone released by Motorola in 1994.Motorola will promote smaller after Dynatac, but launched International 3200 in 1992 as a so -called digital mobile phone.The 3300 we made this time is a GSM mobile phone supported up to SMS.It is a Brickphone that was sold in Japan when Motorola itself was also sold at STARTAC when Motorola was also very small, and Motorola itself appeared.

 In addition to the silhouette suitable for Dynatac's legitimate descendants, the body weight that is really like a brick and a brick.When I read the manual, it states that if you touch it after continuing to send in a broken antenna, you will be the fear of burns.Powerful may have been one of the reasons for the survival (some of the cars were used in the ship, and there were also options that could be placed like a handset).

 In the latter half of the 1990s, the unnatural size was personally very enjoyable, and I bought a new one from the UK (Brickphone bought some used logo, such as Smartone in Hong Kong), and Hong Kong.I used to use it on purpose on the street corner of Taiwan.In Hong Kong, mobile phones were called "Daiga University" and brickphones were called "water vases".According to a friend of a Hong Kong movie company, Jackie Chen had long entered the restaurant and had to stand it in the middle of the table.

 I think that the age of Brickphone was in a sense of excitement than the current smartphone.Please take a look at a video that makes the International 33000, which is so cool and owned by blocks!

■ "Block de Gadget by Endo": https: // YouTu.be/pDRZ0AFBIDU ■ Play List: https: // www.YouTube.Com/PlayList? List = plazrpvGG187CVTXCZBUZVHA1V87QJL2GYB ■ "IN64BLOCKS": https: // www.Instagram.com/in64blocks/

Mr. Endo

 President of Kadokawa ASCII Research Institute Co., Ltd. He joined ASCII Co., Ltd. in 1985 after working as a programmer. He worked as a monthly editor -in -chief of ASCII and Director of ASCII Co., Ltd. in 2013. Kadokawa ASCII Research Institute is conducting and consulting about the lifestyle of people in smartphones and the Internet era. He is also a free software author, such as "AMSCLS" (fully used in Lha) and "thumb" (thumb shift keyboard emulator). His hobbies are curry, illusion and stationery. In 2018 and 2019, he won a prize for the second consecutive year at the "illusion and illusion contest" of the Japanese Society of Basic Psychology. He is making an animation floating pen using the illusion. His books include "Calculator Shop Koukaku Fighting" (ASCII) and "10 World NHK IT White Box" (co -authored by Kodansha).
