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  • Ai Hashimoto "I want you to continue without giving up" Ale to a young video creator [Video available] | Mynavi News Mynavi News Mynavi

Ai Hashimoto "I want you to continue without giving up" Ale to a young video creator [Video available] | Mynavi News Mynavi News Mynavi

"Hulu U35 Creators Challenge" Ai Hashimoto who attended the finalist announcement event

Until March 2022, Hulu, an online video distribution service, has implemented the Hulu U35 Creators Challenge, a training project that discovers young video creators for under the age of 35.Creators under the age of 35 who do not ask professional amateurs can participate in the project, and five finalists selected after the selection received the support of a professional movie production team with a production cost of 10 million yen.It is said that a short story can be produced as a director.The completed five works are distributed on Hulu, along with a documentary program closely related to the production process of the finalists.After that, the Grand Prix works will be selected from the five works in the final judging, and the Grand Prix winners will be given a prize of 1 million yen and a new Hulu original supervision right.

The third judging = finalist selection announcement event was held, and following the presentation of 10 candidates who passed the examination, in addition to the judge's director Shuichi Okita, Ai Hashimoto and others will be the judge.Select 5 lists.Hashimoto says that this is the first time to judge the competition, "It was cool that people who did not change too much as they were trying to challenge with heat, and I really wanted everyone to get it.So, it was terrible to choose five of them, "he said," I think Hulu's project will not end this year, and if he continues, he will have a chance.I'm looking forward to it. "

橋本愛「諦めずに続けて欲しい」と若き映像クリエイターにエール【動画あり】 | マイナビニュース マイナビニュース マイナビ

The finalists announced on this day were Keisuke Kondo of "De Soukyuji", Ayano Oyama of "Mantaro Radio Gymnastics", and Hatamame Yayo Hatame of "Tsurumi's Meriba Course". Hajime Yoshikawa of "Ruri and Crow", and Jun Ueda of "Sanae Hayamisa is a little slower". As a general comment, Hashimoto said, "I have a strong feeling that I have to protect the culture as a person involved in art and culture, and it is the mainstream to express myself in a very short time. I was worried that some people were interested in shooting, but so many people were applied, and the 10 people I met today have been conveyed the heat and feelings of the work I want to shoot. I don't want to give up today that I'm useless, but I don't just happen to be the timing, but I want you to continue without giving up. " Words.

Jiro Sisonne, who came to appear in the media in the 2014 "King of Conton" championship, said, "I think it will win if I keep my heart rotten.Please continue what you want to do. "