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  • About 3,400 people visited the exhibition "NFT FESTA" of NFT works held on Metaverse in 3 days!

About 3,400 people visited the exhibition "NFT FESTA" of NFT works held on Metaverse in 3 days!

The exhibition "NFT FESTA" by NFT creators held on January 28th (Friday) to January 30th (Sunday), 2022, has a unique number of visitors of about 3,400 (total number of visitors) in three days. Many people came (more than 16,000 people).

The opening ceremony held on the Twitter space on the first day of the event was always attended by more than 100 participants, and posts with hashtags "#NFT_FESTA" and "#NFTFESTA" were posted on Twitter during the session. Approximately 830 cases were confirmed, and it was an event that attracted the attention of NFT creators and other people who are interested in NFT.

"NFT FESTA" entrance

[What is "NFT FESTA"]

This is the first project to be held by volunteers who agree with the founder's desire to hold an event that connects people through the possibilities of NFT.

Any NFT work that meets the application criteria can apply for exhibition for free. This time, applications that exceeded the originally planned exhibition limit of 300 were gathered at an early stage, and the exhibition was divided into seven worlds.

Admission to "NFT FESTA" is free, and visitors can enter the Metaverse venue and appreciate NFT works from the banner installed on the official website or a dedicated application.

If you click on the exhibited NFT work, the sales platform of the work and the link of Twitter will appear, you can move to the external site, purchase the work and follow the creator's Twitter account.

▽ Click here for official website and SNS registration

Official site: https://www.nftfesta.com/

Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/NFT_FESTA

Official Discord: https://discord.gg/t3YvRZx9pP

[There are two types of Metaverse venues so that everyone from VR beginners to advanced players can enjoy]

At this event, we have prepared two types of Metaverse venues, the "Vket Cloud venue" that can be accessed from a PC or smartphone, and the "Neos VR" that can be accessed from a dedicated application.

Visitors can enter their favorite venues to watch NFT works and play with content.

Metaverse venue where NFT works are lined up

Visitors watching NFT works

"Neos VR venue" entrance

One of the most popular contents is "Hash Holider", where you can learn how blockchain works while playing. The blockchain is implemented in the Metaverse called Neos VR, and the hash value comes out when you shake the pickaxe. If you meet the conditions, you can experience a series of steps of succeeding in "mining" and connecting new blocks containing transaction history. This can only be played at the "Neos VR venue", and 189 people participated.

Popular content "Hash Holider"

The majority of visitors are in their 30s and 40s. About 50% of NFT purchase experience]

This time, about 300 people cooperated in answering the questionnaire about "NFT FESTA". We will announce a part of the contents.

Gender / age

living place


Metaverse experience

About NFT

* From the results of the NFT FESTA questionnaire

From the results of the questionnaire, it was found that many people in their 30s and 40s visited this "NFT FESTA", and about 50% said that they had bought an NFT. On the other hand, about 30% of the respondents have no experience in purchasing NFTs, which shows that even those who are just beginning to be interested in NFTs have come. The ratio of women is higher than that of conventional virtual events, and about 32% of people are new to VR space.

メタバース上で開催されたNFT作品の展示会「NFT FESTA」 開催3日間で、約3,400人が来場!

This "NFT FESTA" was a questionnaire result showing that a wide range of people visited the venue.

[Comments from the founders]

Emika Sawa

Thank you to everyone who came and cooperated!

We received a lot of warm voices and felt glad that the event was held again. We will continue to expand the Metaverse space where people from all over the world can enjoy themselves and make it a place where we can meet more creators' works! Thank you for your cooperation next time!

Emika Sawa (https://twitter.com/SawaeMika)

Creative director of the world's largest VR event "Virtual Market" certified by the Guinness World Records (TM). She interacts daily with her peers on the Metaverse. She recognizes that her beloved daughter is also her mother, Avatar.

She is the COO / CQO of HIKKY Co., Ltd.

Spider palm

We would like to thank all the people who visited us again and all the management members and ambassadors who were involved in the production! In the future, as a fun event where the VR and NFT fields are mixed, I would like to do "new things and manufacturing" with everyone involved. Thank you for your continued support!

Kumohira (https://twitter.com/kumo_hira)

A former architect who has been living in the NFT area for a long time. She is currently running around her own business and DAO project as COO of "THE BATTLE Co., Ltd.", which operates mainly on entertainment and blockchain.

[Starting recruitment for "NFT FESTA 2022 Spring"]

It has already been decided that the next "NFT FESTA" will be held. We have received many inquiries from overseas, so we will continue to send them overseas in the future.

Please join us regardless of whether you are in Japan or overseas.

NFT FESTA 2022 Spring

[Overview of the event]

Event date: April 29th (Friday) -May 5th (Thursday), 2022

Exhibition application period: February 28th (Monday) to March 13th (Sunday), 2022

Submission period: February 28th (Monday) to March 20th (Sunday), 2022

Event venue: NFT FESTA special metaverse venue

Event contents: Exhibition of NFT art works, blockchain and

Lecture planning to learn about smart contracts (planned)

Exhibition fee / admission fee: Free

▽ Click here for the "NFT FESTA 2022 Spring" exhibition application form

(Application deadline is March 13 (Sun))


At NFT FESTA 2022 Spring, the exhibition space is set to "500", of which 350 are "exhibit with images", 100 are "exhibit with video", and 50 are "exhibit with 3D model". We are (varies depending on the application status). If the number of exhibitors exceeds the desired number, a lottery will be held.

First of all, please enter "creator name, Twitter user name, icon data (square / 512px * 512px designation)" from this form and apply for exhibition.