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  • The path of life.The password when you get lost is "Be faithful to your heart" (Women's Health) --Yahoo! News

The path of life.The password when you get lost is "Be faithful to your heart" (Women's Health) --Yahoo! News



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人生の道しるべ。迷った時の合言葉は「本心に忠実であれ」(ウィメンズヘルス) - Yahoo!ニュース

"If you only want to make a law that people around the world must obey, what is it?" It is a question to ask guests. [Photo] I want to imitate from today! Eleven habits common to people with high "happiness", "Be True." I noticed myself. ◆ Mei Yoshikawa She is the Yoga Master Veda Tokyo, the first Japanese woman's first Ashtanga Yoga qualification. She was awarded the Best of Yogini "YOGA PEOPLE AWARD 2016". She decorates the cover of the yoga magazine Yogini for 10 years. She is an advertas model as an adidas Global Yoga Anava. She began pursuing a mystery of her heart and consciousness in her mother's illness in college, and learned about yoga in the process. She has been working on her meditation and yoga for 13 years while going back and forth between India and Japan. Her yoga history 20 years. She is a mother of two children. She feels that if she looks around, she may be the time when my law, "Be faithful to my heart," is the most tested. Those who sincerely wished for the early end of Pandemic seem to be starting to move while stepping on, who could not return to their existing life, do not want to return to their existing life. While going right and left to find a new map that has not been prepared yet, the fear of being turned to the virus has turned into a "fear of stepping into an unknown future" as it turned over. 。 Recently, I have something like that. If you show a conversation in everyone's hearts, you will surely hear this kind of thing: "I don't want to go to this company every day on a crowded train as before, but the next job has been decided. No, I'm afraid to quit. "" I missed people for a while, but some friends missed it, but there were a lot of relationships that made me feel comfortable because I couldn't meet them. "Is it possible?" "The style of work has changed, and I started to make my own pace. If I knew that such a life was possible, I would not be able to go back to myself anymore. It is difficult to return. What should I do? ? "The idea of ​​work is not only the majority of adult life, but also directly linked to how to make a living, so many people are worried. Surely, like me, if it's not like me, the voice of the heart will be a good and bad point about the trouble and bad points, and will eventually get rid of it. Isn't there a lot of people who feel the feeling of being stuck? But now, a year and a half, the abnormal situation of Corona is no longer a new thing for us. At the same time, the conversation of the heart that repeats such a coming back and forth may not be fresh anymore. If you look a little away, my heart, which is worried, seems to be "I already know the answer." Whether your job is something you want to continue in the future. Do you really want to meet that person who was invited today? As the "one time" and "family time" increase in conjunction with the house time, the ability to feel sensitive about what you really want to do and what you do not want to have been nurtured. In that sense, the options in our lifestyle may be surprisingly sifted. Then, why is there still no answer, "What is the correct answer?" When you're not getting the answer and you're sick. Stopping and first reviewing "the question is obtained" is a big hint to live a mindful life. If you think about it, "correct answer" is ten people. The answer depends on when and where and how and what, and there is no definitive "correct answer". If you really know, the quest that seeks the correct answer is more out of order. So what if you change the question? Instead of "What is the correct answer?", Change the angle a little and "What's the best for me now?" What is the most comfortable and most comfortable choice for your heart? " Rather than asking for an answer that doesn't seem to be, try to pay attention to the "true" that is always among everyone. And why not try to work and act to live in the thorough inner truth and the outside?

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