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Back tricks that make your smartphone and personal computer clean and clean for 0 yen (Saki Toda) -Perspin -Yahoo! News

 The number of cases in which PCs and tablets are shown to others is increasing.I often present it to show various information at work.Also, it is not uncommon to show the smartphone screen to others.There are cases where you can see photos and browsers, or watch videos together.

 However, at that time, the screen is dirty.She uses a fingerprint with a sticky screen for work, and she feels disgusted with good suggestions.

 So, this time, I will introduce how to clean and clean PCs, tablets, and smartphones quickly.It is attractive that there is no special cost.In fact, this is a safe way for professionals who repair PCs.

 First, prepare tools.Prepare a cloth to wipe the body as well as the screen.Anything is fine, but a soft cloth is recommended, and if you wipe it repeatedly with a hard fabric, the paint may be cut.Hard fabrics such as shirts and handkerchiefs are not recommended.Soft towels and gauze would be nice.I want you to prepare two of these cloth.

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 Even if you simply wipe the screen with a soft cloth, it will not actually be clean.It takes time just to grow fingerprints and oils.So, we use a commercially available cleaner, but we are actually a little anxious.Various coats are applied to various displays, and the main unit is painted.There is no problem with a dedicated cleaner, but it is a bit scary to use it for deteriorated coating.

 So what the professional uses is water.If you put water in a spray sold at 100 uniforms, you are ready.

 Water cannot be sprayed on the main unit.Personal computers can cause malfunctions when entering from the gap.It is enough to spray it lightly two or three times to the cloth side.There is no need to moisten the water traces on the computer.With this slightly wet cloth, wipe the screen and body lightly.

 At this stage, it doesn't get very clean, but there is no problem.Wipe with another dry cloth with a slightly wet surface of the personal computer.With this alone, it will be clean without surprisingly.Wipe twice is the same thing that is often used for wiping the glass of cars.

 PCs, tablets, and smartphone screens can be safely cleaned by the body, so please try it.As far as I tried, there was no problem, but I want you to work at your own risk, as the paint that is too watered or deteriorated can be removed just by wiping it.All photos in the sentence are my shooting.

 You can also see the video you are actually cleaning here.