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Very clever translation of the new shortcut keys in AI "DeepL" ~ people who don't want to stain the clipboard

Du du of Yajima

It also describes how to install the "DeepL" client application at once through the command

 “Du du of Yajima”では、ニュース・レビューにこだわらない幅広い話題をお伝えします。

 The AI translation service "DeepL" is very popular when you get a natural translation. If you have a client application that supports Windows, you can easily translate the selected text by repeating two [Ctrl] + [C] keys (it can be used in a similar way on Mac).

 However, some people may be interested in using the [Ctrl] + [C] key to store text on the clipboard once. The function of people who don't want to get this kind of clipboard dirty was introduced in the recent version. When enabled, you can use the [Ctrl] + [F9] key to translate the selected text and display the result in a pop-up window.


 What can be translated at one time, in the case of a free plan, seems to be less than 1000 words.


すごく賢い翻訳AI「DeepL」に新しいショートカットキー ~クリップボードを汚したくない人に - Du du of Yajima - 窓の杜

 Although it is a bit difficult to remember the key combination, but can also be customized, please be sure to give it a try.


Tracing: even "winget" can install "DeepL" client applications.


 "winget" is a tool (so-called package management software) that allows you to easily install applications on the command line, standard on operating systems after "Windows10 version 1809". In the case of "winget", just enter the following command to set up the application, which is very convenient.

winget install deepl

 Previously, when I introduced how to automate the construction of the environment after installing the operating system through scripts, "Chocolatey" was used in the package management application, and the survey found that the number of applications that could be set up even by "winget" was increasing. I think it can almost be changed to "winget".


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