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75% of Generation Z use "notebook PCs" as "web conferencing tools"! NEC research (BCN)-Yahoo! News


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The use of PCs by Generation Z has increased due to the new corona, and 75% use laptops for web conferences

75% of Gen Z is WEB Use a

On February 1st, NEC Personal Computer conducted a survey on Generation Z, targeting 600 men and women aged 18 to 25 (students: 300, office workers: 300), collectively referred to as "Generation Z". The results of a survey on PC usage were announced. The survey was conducted from January 19th to 21st. When asked about changes in device usage due to the COVID-19 pandemic, 61% of Generation Z answered that both the frequency and time they use their PCs have "increased." Looking only at students among Generation Z, 80% of respondents answered that they both “increased.” In a question (multiple answers allowed) to those who answered that they "increase" the frequency/time of using a PC, the reason for this was "remote class/online class" (50%) was the most common, followed by "study assistance ( Learning-related searches, etc.)” (24%) ranked third, indicating that the use of PCs in learning environments is increasing. “Watching/viewing videos, music, and images” (46%) ranked second, suggesting that PCs with screen sizes larger than those of smartphones are also being used to consume entertainment content. When limited to office workers, "viewing/viewing videos, music, and images" (52%) was followed by "remote work/telework" (42%). As for the devices used to run web conferencing tools (multiple answers), "notebook PCs" accounted for 75%, making it the most common. As for the reasons for using laptops for web conferences (multiple answers allowed), there were many responses such as "the large screen makes it easy to see the materials" and "it's suitable for multitasking". When asked what they wanted from a laptop during online classes/remote work (multiple answers), "processing speed" (52%) was the most common, followed by "battery drive time" (50%) and "startup speed" (50%). 45%), followed by “Lightness (weight) of PC” (42%). When asked about how to work after the new corona wreck (multiple answers), the most common answer was "I want to work in a way that suits my life" (95%). Good" (87%) and "I think online meetings will become the standard" (82%). When asked whether the presence or absence of a remote work system will be important when choosing a job or job change in the future, more than 70% said that it was "important" ("very important", "important", "relatively important"). total). When asked if they thought they needed their own laptop, 92% answered "I think I need my own laptop". When purchasing a PC for personal use, the most important points (multiple answers allowed) were "processing speed" (58%), "battery life" (49%), and "storage capacity" (47%). became. When asked to choose up to three items for university life from the options, the most common answer was "notebook PC" (72%), with 83% of students and 60% of office workers. I feel the importance of PC. When asked what they think of a PC (multiple answers allowed), 91% answered that it is not only a tool for learning or work, but also "an indispensable thing" and "something that enriches oneself". ”(85%).

Last update: BCN